Purpose | Assignment 2 aims to provide you with a working understanding of the considerations, processes and content of a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) developed within the Australian legal context.
The assignment considers a real-world case which introduces you to privacy legislation and protections in Australia. The case also aims to highlight the challenges in applying ethical principles in a rapidly changing context by considering the process of assuring privacy at the level of a strategic national programme. |
Your task | You are asked to
● explore and review the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) to identify the privacy implications of mechanisms and measures necessary to establish the COVID-19 vaccination strategy in Australia. ● complete a template worksheet by following a set of questions designed to demonstrate your understanding of the PIA content, context and recommendations. ● cross-reference your understanding of the PIA with the Ethical by Design Principles developed by Beard and Longstaff and the Australian Privacy Principles ● make an analysis and reflection on a further PIA which considers the role of a 3rd Party provider in managing vaccination and other citizen data within the context of national law and State privacy regulations. Consider this challenge in the context of the rights of the groups of people being prioritised for vaccination |
Value | 25% of your total marks for the unit. |
Word Limit | 1,500 - 2,000 words (excluding references) |
Submission | ● Via Moodle Assignment Submission.
● Turnitin will be used for similarity checking of all submissions. ∙ Submissions that do not meet the basic citing and referencing requirements will be returned and given 24 hours for re-submission, with a 10% (2.5 mark) deduction. ● Resubmissions that still do not meet the basic citing and referencing requirements will receive an N grade. |
Assessment Criteria | Demonstrate expected academic understanding and analysis
● Ability to explain the content and context of the PIA ● Ability to identify and discuss privacy and other human rights issues associated with the PIA ● Ability to demonstrate understanding of the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) ● Ability to identify regulatory and ethical design considerations Demonstrate expected academic skills - ● undertake additional research relevant to the case ● write with clarity and cohesion ● cite and reference to the required standard. |
Late Penalties | ● 10% (2.5 mark) deduction per day
● Submissions more than 7 calendar days after the due date will receive a mark of zero (0) and no assessment feedback will be provided. |
About the Case
In 2021 the Australian Government was under increasing pressure to rapidly distribute vaccinations throughout the country to stem the potential spread and risk to vulnerable Australians of COVID-19.
This assessment introduces the Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) which form part of this process. In particular, the original PIA published in February 2021 considers how the government will manage the necessary data to track and register vaccinated citizens as part of a wider COVID-19 mitigation strategy.
In a follow up PIA published in March 2021, the potential privacy risks from a more complex programme, which introduces 3rd party providers, is considered in some detail.
Working through the Case using the Review Worksheet
For this assessment task you will review two of the PIAs commissioned for the COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy. Using these documents, as well as Government and any other sources, you are asked address each of the questions in the PIA Review Worksheet available from moodle.
This will be assessed as an individual assignment, but two sections can be developed as a group
within your allocated workshop sessions and included in your assignment. These are:
- Part 4 where you are asked to map the stakeholders, systems and information flows noted in the PIA
- Part 7 where you are asked to make a table of the risks of the Booking Platform and Symptom Check site being managed by a third party
- If you include a diagram or table in relation to Part 4 and/or Part D.7 based on the workshop discussions you should record the names of all the group members
Apart from the group contribution - you should answer the questions in your own words, in the form of
well-constructed paragraphs and sentences that demonstrate your critical research and writing skills. Your answers must include appropriate quoting, citing and referencing of sources. You may also include diagrams as appropriate, but if not your own these need to be appropriately referenced and explained in your own words.
Beard, M., & Longstaff, S. (2018). Ethical by Design: Principles for Good Technology. The Ethics Centre. [Pdf available on Moodle]
Farthing, S., Howell, J., Lecchi, K., Paleologos, Z., Saintilan, P., & Santow, E. (2019). Human Rights and Technology Discussion Paper. Australian Human Rights Commission.
OAIC. (2020). Guide to undertaking privacy impact assessments. Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. to-undertaking-privacy-impact-assessments/
Privacy Impact Assessment Resources as provided on Moodle must also be referenced in your assignment.
Your submission must meet Monash University’s academic integrity standards, as detailed at, so that it is clear what are your ideas and what are the ideas of others.
The basic citing and referencing requirements are:
- ALL the sources that you use in develop your assignment submission appropriately cited and referenced using the APA citation style
- Any direct quotes from sources clearly identified as such with the use of quotation marks, a citation and a reference, and
- No patchwork
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