THS3THS Leadership Reflection Assignment Help

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There are certain aspects which are inherent to any organisation- teamwork, chaos, and leadership (Fener & Cevik, 2015). We also faced the same as we became a five-member team for a simulation task where we operated a hotel. Although the organisation was virtual and short-term, we experienced a lot of business issues (which are observed in the real world): we were clueless (at one point of time), had quarrels, hired an expert, changed the leadership style in the organisation,  and capitalised on the available opportunities- the above scenarios depict the real-life scenarios in an organisation. 

This reflective report will cover the following aspects: describe the team experience, develop a leadership theoretical framework, apply the theoretical framework to the team experience, and explain the personal leadership and follow-ship style. 

Team Experience 

With a team of 5 persons, we formed a temporary organisation where we operated a hotel using a hotel simulation software. In the beginning, we struggled a lot as we were clueless. We had borrowed a loan from the bank, half (approximately $200,000) of which we planned to repay in the first two years, however, our mismanagement resulted in the loan rising to $2.5 million. We approached our instructor for some tips. Based on the tips from the instructor we divided the duties among the members in the following manner: two team members looked after the social media marketing, reading and reviewing the customer feedback on the hotel website, and responding to the customers. Three team members looked after advertising and other operational aspects (including house-keeping, restaurants, billing, payments to suppliers, and salary to the employees). At the end of the simulation, we were able to achieve all our goals and we were able to repay the entire loan. At the end of the simulation, we had a cash balance of $ 4.85 million as well.  At the end of the five years, the hotel had 150 rooms with all the services and facilities to be classified as a 4-star hotel. 

Over the entire task, we experienced a lot- arguments, chaos, realisation, turnaround, and success. A major reason why we were able to achieve success is that our team members assumed leadership and followership roles in different capacities which will be explained by developing a theoretical framework as below. 

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