Conceptual Design
Business Rules
- Agents will be asked complete personal information before associating them with the company.
- They are requested to give their address, CNIC number and photograph for security and in what area do they operate.
- Property type should be mentioned as commercial or presidential in the database.
- The clients are also requested complete personal information before processing their any request.
- Client’s expertise should be rechecked
- Clients can book plots and land for themselves but extra money will be charged if the cancel their booking after 2 weeks.
- 50% payment should be done in advance and the rest should be payed after complete ownership.
- Clients may use their certain credit card to avail any discount if available.
- Payment has to be done via cash or card. No online transfer available.
- Payment also includes taxes which are government, land and property and any other if applicable.
- There are multiple agents who will deal with different clients.
- Agent’s shown property should be rechecked if it’s clear from all allegations.
ERD diagram
Clients- This entity has attributes client id, client name, address, DOB, expertise, his investment and the agent id who deal the client. This entity saves the client’s information in the database. One to many relationships with agents and vice versa because one client can have many agents and one agent can deal many clients. Agents- This entity contains the information of the agents dealing with the clients. The attributes include id, name, address, phone, DOB, expertise and a client id as a foreign key. Land- This entity has all the attributes regarding the land the client will be buying. The attributes are its id, location, size of the land, and two foreign keys of property id and client id. Property- This entity has attributes like property id and property type to save the details. Has one to one relationship with land. Area- As the name shows, this entity saves all the information regarding the properties in a particular area. The attributes are area id, area name and foreign keys of street id and property id. It has one to many relationships with street as one area can have many streets. Street- This entity marks the information for the property that is on street. The attributes are street id and street location.
Logic Design
Big Data and Bitcoin
- Big data is a term that portrays the enormous volume of data – both sorted out and unstructured – that drenches a business on a regular reason. Having information that is so much in quantity, fast or complicated that it's hard to handle utilizing customary strategies. The show of moving to and taking care of a great deal of information for examination has been around a long time. Nevertheless, the thought of huge data got power during the 2000s. The meaning of Big Data as in 3 Vs is:
- Volume: Associations assemble data from a variety of sources, including business trades, shrewd (IoT) gadgets, recordings, online media and it was just the start. Before, neglecting it could have been a problem – however less expensive stockpiling on stages like information reserves and Hadoop facilitated the weight.
- Velocity: With the advent of technology and increasing amounts of data, industries have started stressing great importance on how this data should be utilized. We have now come to realize how important the data is in the corporate world. Velocity is the measure by which how fast the data is being gathered and coming in. The data can be real-time data or can be received in bits and pieces (Big Data LDN, 2018).
- Variety: Data has changed its shape over the years and has converted from traditional i.e. database files to non-traditional data which are videos and graphics on social media platforms. With increasing amount of variety in data, more analytical skills are needed to extract useful information from it.
The challenges faced by traditional databases is that utilization of a customary information base can prompt vulnerability in information the board. This is on the grounds that it doesn't have the important instruments to help the activities required by enormous information the executives, for example, quick reaction times.
- A lot of technologies currently deal with big data.
- NoSQL joins a wide extent of discrete data base headways that are making to design current applications. It portrays a non-SQL or nonrelational information base that conveys a strategy for amassing and recovery of information. They are sent continuously web applications and huge information examination.
- R is the programming language and an open-source venture. Alongside it, being utilized by information excavators and analysts, it is broadly actualized for planning measurable programming and for the most part in information examination.
- A subpart of enormous information investigation, it attempts to anticipate future conduct by means of earlier information. It works utilizing AI advances, information mining and factual demonstrating and some numerical models to figure future occasions.
- With in-amassed features for streaming, SQL, AI and outline planning, Apache Spark wins the allude to as the fastest and normal generator for enormous data change. It supports critical amounts of gigantic data containing Python, R, Scala, and Java.
- Bitcoin address: A series of letters and numbers that speaks to a potential objective for a bitcoin installment. A novel location is utilized for every exchange. Most bitcoin programming will produce another location each time you make a receipt or installment demand. In any case, the Bitcoin address isn't expected to be lasting, yet only a token for use in a solitary exchange. The location itself comprises of 26-35 alphanumeric characters. This string is the public portion of an asymmetric key pair. The standard organization for a Bitcoin address is P2PKH (pay to public key hash).
Bitcoin Wallet: A site with Bitcoin is like a physical wallet. Nonetheless, the wallet holds applicable data, for example, the ensured private key used to enter Bitcoin locations and do moves, instead of holding physical cash. Bitcoin wallet types incorporate PC, tablet, organization, and equipment.
Bitcoin transaction: Sending BTC requires approaching the general population and private keys related with that measure of bitcoin (, n.d.). At the point when we talk about somebody "having bitcoins" what we really mean is that individual approaches a key-pair contained:
- a public key to which some sum bitcoin was recently sent.
- the relating one of a kind private key which approves the BTC recently shipped off the above bar key to be sent somewhere else
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