Music practitioners both professional or amateur require set of skills, techniques and knowledge, which combine in the process of preparation for the performance (Castiglione et al., 2018). Besides in-depth technical knowledge musicians need high level of skills that include attention, motor co-ordination, precision, speed and strength (Biasutti & Concina, 2014). Musicians with their own intent and interest make increased effort to practice musical instrument that can have a positive impact on their performance and can also have a negative impact on musician’s overall health (Kenny, 2010). In their musical career besides the typical practices process and efforts they also have to work in shifts, leave the family during tours, being ready for travel to perform at different locations and also deal with financial instability within the profession (Castiglione, Rampulo & Cardullo, 2018). Musicians develop physical sufferings along with psychological distress, which is extensive in some cases (Biasutti & Concina, 2014). The psychological distress includes depressive symptoms, anxiety and music performance anxiety (Matei & Ginsborg, 2017). Music performance anxiety (MPA) refers to a complex phenomenon that is caused due to interaction of many factors such as environmental stimuli, genetics and various individual experiences, cognitions, emotions and behavior (Kenny, 2010). Music performance anxiety refers to type of social anxiety and involves fears of musical presentation (Matei & Ginsborg, 2017). This research analyzes the symptoms of music performance anxiety, the factors leading to the anxiety and suggests coping approaches for the same.
Purpose of Study
Performance anxiety refers to a group of disorders and can have impact on various aspects of life such as public speaking, performing acting, dance and music that indirectly affects their performance (Burin & Osorio, 2017). It involves negative emotional state with feelings of worry, nervousness and apprehension along with arousal of body (Matei & Ginsborg, 2017). Anxiety is found to be positively related to poor musical performance experiences and eventually leads to unhealthy coping strategies (Biasutti & Concina, 2014). It affects the musicians to a great extent and physical and emotional level so much so that there is a possibility to end their coping strategies prematurely. There are various factors that lead to music performance anxiety, which include individual, social and situational factors (Kenny, 2010). Musicians tend to react differently to audience and to the various situations they grow through based on their professional level and mental and physical capabilities (Castiglione et al., 2018). It is essential to understand the influence of each of the factors on musicians to overcome the anxiety. With increasing competition and increasing ambition to perform the best, there is increase in musical performance anxieties, which can not just influence their performance and career but can also make other aspects of life challenging due to the stress and depression (Burin & Osorio, 2017). This can affect the life of the musicians significantly if not controlled or treated. The purpose of this study is to analyze the symptoms and factors of music performance anxiety, which will help in identifying coping strategies that may vary depending on the factor that influences performance anxiety among musicians.
Research Questions
- What are the main symptoms of music performance anxiety?
- What are the factors that lead to music performance anxiety?
- How does the instrument used by musicians influence music performance anxiety?
- What are the different coping strategies that will help overcome the anxiety symptoms?
Background of the Study
Musical performances required increased level skills in different areas. Musicians require extensive training in order to develop cognitive, sensorial and behavioral skills (Nicholson et al., 2015). Musicians give increased importance to the quality of their performances as they consider as the fundamental element for creating and constantly enhancing their personal identity (Castiglione et al., 2018). Researches have showed that despite of years of practice musicians to undergo performance anxiety before or during the performance (Nicholson, Cody & Beck, 2015). It is found that practice and experience cannot ensure that musical performances are free from feelings of stress and anxiety (Castiglione et al., 2018). It is believed that musicians with MPA consider it as a part of every performance. MPA creates psychological and physiological symptoms. Psychological symptoms include stress and irrational fears, which can lead to physiological symptoms that include increased heart rate, sweaty palms, shortness of breath and upset stomach (Nicholson et al., 2015). The symptoms occur due to different factors that include physical, external and gender factors and influence musicians at different levels. Through this research, the factors and symptoms of music performance anxiety are analyzed. The coping strategies to overcome the performance anxiety vary and provide different solutions to overcome the different symptoms of music performance anxiety. The research discusses the different coping strategies that address the identified symptoms of MPA.
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