Managing Workplace Diversity in Organisations
Arora, V. & Jain, T. (2018). Diversity Management in India: A Study on the Impact of Diversity across Different Organisations in India. International Research Journal of Management, Science & Technology. 9(5), 17-24.
Arora and Jain (2018) described diversity management to be a ‘best practice’ in an organisation for creating an effective workplace. Their contribution to the topic is significant as whilst Arora is a faculty in law, Jain is a faculty in applied science, thereby providing multidisciplinary perspective to workplace diversity management. The authors in this journal article highlight the issues from where differences may stem from cultural beliefs, personality, gender, social and marital status, and ethnicity. Thus, management must adopt appropriate strategies to directly link diversity progress to business performance. The study recommends different strategies for managers to manage a diverse workforce at three levels: individual, group and organisational. A manager must have different strategies for all three levels to be effective. The reason why this study is different from others is that this study has a multidisciplinary approach covering legal aspects as well, as there are several cases globally where managers are accused of being bias towards or against an employee due to the cultural similarities or differences.
Green, K., Lopez, M., Wysocki, A., Kepner, K., Farnsworth, D. & Clark, J.L. (2002). Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges, and the Required Managerial Tools. The University of Florida.
Green (2002) argued that the globalisation has made it necessary for businesses to have an effective diversity management policy as employees do not work in isolation. The modern-day employees are competing in a global economic framework. Thus, the author in this academic write-up suggested the managers learn new skills so that they can reorganise the work culture. This study emphasises that the manager must be aware of the legal aspects of diversity and should use the legal knowledge to create a safe and fair environment so that employees have equal opportunities to grow and benefit themselves and the organisation.
Herdman, A. O., & McMillan-Capehart, A. (2010). Establishing Diversity Program is not enough: Exploring the Determinants of Diversity Climate. Journal of Business Psychology. 25, 39–53.
Herdman and McMillan-Capehart (2010) highlighted the significance of managing diversity in an organisation to be beyond the organisation itself as it has an impact on society as well. The main objective of diversity management is to prohibit discrimination against individuals, which should be true for society at large. The authors in this journal article emphasised on the role of technology in organisations and society: In an organisation, the HR department must use technology to keep a track of the problems and issues faced by an employee in an organisation. In earlier times, employees faced issues in communicating about potential discrimination to the concerned authorities be in the organisation or the law. However, with various technological advancements, it is now possible for employees to report any discrimination. The management of an organisation and society at large should encourage employees to come out if they feel that they have been wronged due to their background.
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