The success of an organization is solely dependent on the effectiveness of it’s managerial functions. Hence, in order to climb the ladder to progression, a firm must effectively execute it’s functions of planning, organizing, controlling and leading. The firm should effectively manage it’s resources and should enable it’s employees to work towards a common organizational goal. Furthermore, the firm should also be able to pursue effectiveness in taking major business decisions and resolving issues. In the quest of excelling the art of organizational management, the firm encounters a number of challenges that endangers the organizational success (Leonard, 2018).
This report is designed to primarily focus on the challenges that a firm faces while implementing change and managing the business functions. It also details on the tactics that the firms can adapt in order to overcome these challenges. This report is developed on the basis of implications derived from a case study and hence it gives a brief elaboration of a practical scenario.
Reasons for change resistance and ways to minimize it
The two new partners of the firm, Mark and Cathy, had initiated the structural change in the office plan in order to create a more innovative and a relaxed work environment. However, this shift to a new office building with an open-plan form of design enabled the senior partners to encounter a variety of responses from the employees. Walls and doors are generally assumed to be common structural features that enables employers to enjoy private space and when these are absent, the workers may feel uneasy. Furthermore, in such a setting, the employers are obliged to develop additional manners and they are forced to adhere to strict rules and regulations pertinent to the firm, since they feel that they are being constantly monitored by the top authorities. Hence, they are unable to engage in any form of personal activity. In the Cheetham and Wynne Law firm, the lawyers encountered a similar set of situations. Many employers felt that their degree of privacy has been diminished and they find it difficult to execute any of their personal work within this new organizational framework. Furthermore, the lawyers felt unsecure while executing even the office work on their computers since they feel that the owners are spying over their doings consistently. This enabled them to feel frustrated and exhausted and this lowered their job productivity and satisfaction (Baldry & Barnes, 2012).
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