Appeal Checklist Submitting Your Appeal Complete the steps below:Once you have completed your appeal form, added your Educational Plan or Degree Audit, and gathered any necessary documentation,follow the instructions on our webpage to submit your appeal request. Incomplete requests willnotbe accepted. ✓ Complete:Appeal Form / Appeal Contract •Appeal Form: Complete the Appeal Formandprovide a statement to explain why you have not met SAP standards and/or have not completed your educational goal(s) within the maximum time frame. •Appeal Contract: Read, initial, and sign the Appeal Contract to accept the conditions of probation. ✓ Attach:Educational Plan Provide your Educational Plan.Chooseoneoption below if you do not have an up-to-date Educational Plan. (Not required for students accepted into Nursing or Respiratory Care Program). •Option #1: (Preferred Method) Meet with a counselor to make a new comprehensive Educational Plan or update your old one. Call the MJC Counseling Office at (209) 575-6080 to schedule an appointment.(Note:Abbreviated Educational Plans will not be accepted). •Option #2:Provide yourMJCDegree Audit (Available in Pirates Net).This option isONLYfor students who haveNOTreached Maximum Time Frame (DQM). ✓ Provide:Documentation YouMUSTprovide documentation if you were previously granted an appeal approval and failed to meet the restrictions as outlined on the Appeal Contract.Failure to provide documentation, will result in the denial of your appeal request.Documentation isstrongly recommendedforallstudents who arenotmeeting GPA and/or Pace Rate requirements. •Documentation may include Death Certificate/Funeral Program, Police Report, Court Document, Medical Document, Military Orders, etc.
Spring 2021 Financial Aid Appeal Appeal Acceptance Dates:December 2, 2020-February 22, 2021 (2020/2021 FAFSA or CADAA must be filed by February 16, 2021) W NameLastFirstStudent IDPhone # Federal regulations require post-secondary institutions to assess and measure astudent'sacademic progress toward the completion of a degree, certificate, or transfer program within a specified time frame. Modesto Junior College Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy includes the criteria listed below.Students who are disqualified for one or more of the following reasons arenot eligiblefor financial aid funding. • Cumulative GPA of less than2.0 • Completed less than67%of ALL attempted units • Attempted excessive units (units exceed 150% of the published length of indicated program) *90 UnitsAllowed: To complete a 60-unit AA/AS degree, 4-yr transfer, or vocational program. *45 UnitsAllowed: To earn a Certificate of Achievement •Already earned an AA/AS degree or beyond. (BA/BS degree holders may appeal for loans only) Disqualified students with extenuating circumstances may submit an appeal for financial aid consideration. • Appeal requests should consist of serious and compelling circumstances that have been resolved and will no longer interfere with your ability to successfully complete your education. • Your extenuating circumstance must have occurred during the semester(s) of academic difficulty. • You may only appeal for the same situation once. Academic Progress Information Report your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status for Spring 2021 as indicated on the SAP email you received from the Student Financial Services Office. ❒DQMMaximum Time Frame❒DQGGPA below 2.0❒DQPPace Rate below 67%❒ DQB Low GPA & Pace Rate What is your educational objective at MJC? ❒Transfer❒AA Degree❒AS Degree❒Certificate❒ Other: What is your current major? Update your Academic Program with a counselor, if different. If you are disqualified due to maximum time frame (DQM), a change to your Educational Goal from Certificate to Degree or Transfer could eliminate the requirement to appeal.If you made this type of change with your counselor, notify the Student Financial Services Office to determine if this appeal is required. Have you ever made a change to your major? ❒No❒ Yes- If yes, list your previous major(s). What will be your final semester at MJC? ❒SP21❒SU21❒ Other: What is your Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) Percentage? To view your LEU, go in,choose "View Details", then "Grants" and scroll down. (California Dream Act Applicants-skip question 6).
AppealStatement (Attached an additional page, if needed) Explain your extenuating circumstances-Explain in detail the specific circumstances that prevented you from making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and how these circumstances affected your academic progress.If you were previously on an appeal for Fall 2020 (or your last semester of attendance) and did not meet appeal probation requirements (2.0 GPA & 75% Completion), explain why and attach documentation. What steps have you taken to resolve your situation-What is your plan for improvement?Explain what has changed, and what steps you have already taken to ensure you will meet SAP in the future.What is your plan to complete your educational goal? ACADEMIC COUNSELOR'S EVALUATION:You may ask your academic counselor to provide you with a statement in support of your request; however, it is NOT REQUIRED.If you will be requesting a supporting statement from your counselor, complete the information below. Ask your counselor to email their supporting statement to the Student Financial Services Office at[email protected]. Counselor's NameDate Requested I understand that I must be enrolled in the semester for which I am appealing.I further understand that submission of an appealdoes notguarantee approval; therefore, I need to be prepared to pay for my educational expenses. I understand that if my request is approved, I must meet Financial Aid Probation standards to continue the approval for the following semester.I further understand that if I plan to continue my education during 2021/2022 at MJC, I may need to request a renewal of my appeal for the following academic year. I understand that a decision regarding this appeal for extension of aid will be emailed to me withintwo to four weeksfrom the date of submission. Student's SignatureDate
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