EDF5610 Annotated Bibliography Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Articles Analysis

Assessment 1 Information

Annotated bibliography

Word Count Equivalent: 2,000 words. (AMOUNT $180)
Weighting: 20%
Due Date and Time: Monday 22/08/2022, by 11:55pm
Return Date: 11/09/2022

Details of task:

In this task, you will choose an education issue from a list provided to you. These issues will match with the topics covered in the unit. Try to choose something you are interested in because this will form the basis of all the assessments in this unit.

When you have chosen a particular issue, you will search for FOUR relevant articles in the two recommended journals posted on Moodle in the relevant week. You need to choose at least two articles from one or both of these journals. Ideally, all four articles will be from these journals. If other journals are used for two articles, however, the journals need to be peer-reviewed. You will write a brief summary of each article in turn and critically discuss the article in relation to your chosen issue. You will finish with a section which makes connections between and among the articles. In this final section, you will also reflect on what the articles did NOT tell you in relation to your issue and what you would like to know more about.

Word count/equivalent: 2,000 words
Weighting/Value: 20%

Criteria for marking:

Criteria Low Medium High
Brief summary of each article:

- This must be different from the abstract.

Critical discussion of each article in relation to chosen issue:

-  How does the article relate to your issue?

-  What position(s) is/are taken in the article?

-  What evidence is given?

-  How does the article inform and/or extend your thinking about the issue?

Connections between/among articles and reflection on anything significant which was NOT mentioned:

-  How are the positions and type of evidence shown in the articles different and/or similar)?

-  What questions do the articles raise about your issue?

Presentation, including structure and English expression:

- Is your writing clear and accurate?


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