Assessment Event 3 – Annotated Bibliography
Title: Teaching communication, language and literacy for a range of diverse learners.
Weighting: 30%
Length: 2000 words (500 words per article and 500 words reflective response)
Due: Week 12
Learning outcome: 2, 3 and 4 For this assessment:
Research academic journals and compile three (3) annotated bibliography that relate to one of the following topics:
Topic one
Approximately 22 million people living in Australia have an alternative home language or English dialect. What are the implications for early childhood teachers when facilitating communication, literacy and language in an ECEC?
Topic two
Language rights for young Indigenous children is specified in UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 30.1. It is essential that the global early childhood community recognise the significance of Indigenous children’s access to early childhood education in their mother tongue. What are the implications for ECEC?
Topic three
Shared reading is a valuable experience that assists in the development of language and literacy skills. What does the research tell us about the importance of shared reading for literacy and language development?
Topic four
A critical stance towards texts is necessary to minimise the possibility of being manipulated or misled when reading/viewing, and to ensure a full appreciation of how authors and illustrators craft or construct texts in order to fulfil particular purposes and elicit particular responses (Fellowes & Oakley, 2014). Why is it important that critical literacy is explored in early childhood education?
Topic five
Most children today start early childhood education with some experience of ICT’s. The EYLF promotes children exploring technology and developing competency with digital literacies. Examine the positive and negative implications for communication, language and literacy development.
Write a 500- word reflective response specifically addressing the ways the literatures helped develop your current understanding about the selected topic and its implications for the early childhood practice.
Your assessment should show evidence that you have read widely on the topic beyond the supplied readings and texts. Your assessment must use correct referencing, in APA 7th style.
All submissions must comply with the requirements listed in the Student Handbook for this course. The criteria for marking this assessment are given below.
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