Early Music Development - Assignment Solution

  • Annotated Bibliography

  • Article 1

Barrett, M. S., Flynn, L. M., & Welch, G. F. (2018). Music value and participation: An Australian case study of music provision and support in Early Childhood Education. Research Studies in Music Education40(2), 226-243.

Research Aim and Questions: The aim of this research was to provide insight of the developments in policy and practice of music provision in early childhood development within Australia. Additionally, the focus was also maintained on the factors which could either promote or inhibit the music provision. 

Research Methods: The case study methodology has been adopted in this study whereby focus is maintained on case of, Exceeding National Quality Standard. The case has enabled to investigate the extent of music education provision in Australian Early Childhood Education center. As part of study, data was obtained through observation of center, as well as through interviews from director, leading education providers and parents. 

Findings: The findings suggest that case center offers high value to the provision of music and it assures provision of music as value added opportunity to children on weekly basis for free. Likewise, on fee options of participating in dance, music and piano programs are also offered to children to support their early development. Regardless of importance of music, Australia overall falls behind other developed nations in terms of early education provision, which could be due to insufficient professional development among staff with respect to music. 

  • Article 2

Merkow, C. (2012). Philosophy of early childhood music education. Connections27(1), 5.

Research Aim and Questions: The research is aimed to investigate and to provide insight of philosophical aspects of early childhood music education in the context of United States. 

Methodology: The research has carried out systematic review of literature to support aim of study. The review is carried out on following themes; developmental psychology, theoretical constructs on music development, approaches adopted for education of music and other related research based insights. Further the early childhood education and understanding of music has been investigated on themes of; innovate music potential, playful music learning and social value of music. 

Findings: The findings of the study have highlighted the importance of innate aptitude of children for music, indicating that just like language learning, music learning potential is also inherent to children development. Likewise, play based learning of music is regarded as child centered approach, which offers control to child over learning of music. The child centered theory regards the role of adults only as facilitator. The adults might provide encouragement much needed for child when they are less motivated to participate in music learning.  Finally, the most important insight is about the role of musical learning in development of extra skills among children which supports their overall development. 

  • Article 3

Virtala, P. M., & Partanen, E. J. (2018). Can very early music interventions promote at-risk infants’ development?. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Research Aim and Questions: The main aim of the research was to identify the role of early music intervention and music activities (performed by caregiver-child), in development of neurocognitive skills of at-risk infants. 

Methodology: The research has reviewed the previous related studies to draw conclusion on the role of early music interventions in development of auditory and language development skills among infants, who are either at risk of dyslexia or actually suffering from dyslexia and infants who experienced premature birth. 

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