Creative Arts Assignment

Assignment Help on Inquiry Task


The Inquiry may be presented in written, oral, or multi-model form in negotiation with the teacher. It is a maximum of 2000 words if written or 12 minutes for an oral presentation, or the equivalent in multimodal form.
Acknowledgement of sources is not included in the word-count. Students will conduct one in-depth inquiry into a creative arts practitioner, focusing on at least two of their products. Students will be required to conduct primary research for their area of inquiry such as an interview, observations of a performance, practicing skills learnt and/or attending a workshop. This inquiry will not repeat skills and knowledge gained through their products but can be in the same discipline.


Use of subject specific vocabulary/terminology is essential and needs to be related to your specific topic


For the inquiry, students:
• plan, design, and explore the breadth and depth of the study
• identify, access, interpret, and critically analyse data from different sources
• determine the most appropriate methods and processes for collecting and collating data, materials, and information
• analyse and evaluate collected data, materials, and information
• synthesise aspects of the collected data, materials, and information into a coherent report.

As part of the inquiry, students undertake a review in which they:
• critique creative arts products of one or more practitioners, which are closely related to the chosen area of inquiry. The products of the practitioner(s) must have been presented in a public forum. The practitioner(s) may be local, national, or international, and contemporary or historical
• summarise and make conclusions about the findings of the inquiry
• communicate personal aesthetic opinions on creative arts products and processes
• evaluate their own learning.

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning primarily in relation to the following assessment design criteria:
• knowledge and understanding
• investigation and analysis
• evaluation.

Our Academic Assistance: service is all about doing research and being good at it. The more research one will do, the better the paper will turn out.

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