Literature Review
The scope of telemedicine has been increasing rapidly day by day due to rapid advancement in the computer technologies in general and telemedical devices in specific. Maximizing performance and quality of life through a patient-centred team approach are basic principles in the practice and recovery of physical medicine and rehabilitation. There are various factors such as time, money, location, use of technology that restricts the patients in health care nowadays. Many elements such as location, time, finances, and access to technology, that restrict the experiences of a patient with health care today. A patient's success in maintaining their health, indeed, relies on a variety of social and physical indicators, such as transportation availability, social mobility, and social assistance. In terms of services, Telehealth has widened its reach, dealing with telerehabilitation, telecare, tele-consulting, telemedicine and remote non-clinical facilities. These are all methods of care delivery that increase access to health care and can support and encourage patient-centered care.
Telehealth has facilitated the delivery of care to advantage telecommunications devices in order to provide medical care outside the traditional face-to-face medical confrontation. Health care delivery can include a combination of history, modified physical examination, diagnostic testing, assessment, and management for a patient using telehealth. Telehealth treatment for patients and longitudinal care encompasses behavioral medicine, drugs, patient education, and shared decision-making. Medical care and effective decision-making can be delivered either synchronously or asynchronously (Tenforde et al., 2017).
In June 2016, the Agency for Health Research and Quality described research that gives the strongest evidence for telehealth, including telerehabilitation (Totten et al., 2016). Systematic reviews stated by the authors of this report show reasonable scientific proof and potential benefit of delivering telerehabilitation care for cardiovascular disorders and other widely treated conditions in PM&R. Research shows very powerful evidence for telehealth programs in terms of remote monitoring, connectivity, and counseling for chronic health conditions, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Few outcomes of the telehealth are, it reduces the rate of patients’ admission in hospital, decreases mortality rate and also save cost with the help of telerehabilitation (Tenforde et al., 2017). Telehealth capability is rapidly changing and encouraged by technological growth; although, the basic principle for telehealth delivery requires a method of communication between the involved parties through which information is shared. Data exchange can take many forms, including written, audio, visual, or haptic (data from patient technology contact). Technologies such as e-mail, cellular text, traditional phone lines, video conferencing, cameras, 3D motion sensors, sensors, global positioning systems, nanotechnology, and virtual reality all provide another type of data exchange.
The exchange of data may be in numerous forms, including written, audio, visual, or haptic (data obtained from patient contact with technology). Technologies such as e-mail, cellular texting, traditional phone lines, videoconferencing, cameras, 3-dimensional motion sensors, sensors, global positioning systems, robotics, and virtual reality each offer a different type of data exchange. Telehealth delivery relies on both the patient's acceptance and exposure to the technology. Users will need to want to use telerehabilitation technology, including hardware access and software installation capabilities along with troubleshooting support. It is very important for user to know about the technology which facilitate them and also adopt in right manner. For example, patients may need guidance on how to use video conferencing software or applications that how appropriately to start the conference and share the display (Pramuka & van Roosmalen, 2009). Long-distance communication can be easily achieved by videoconferencing, email and text. Today, robots, robotic arms, or drones can be run at a distance. The course of human action has been substantially changed and all
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