The following annotated bibliography aims to study the articles related to managing a human resource in the hospitality industry. In this annotated bibliography, the discussion will focus on each article individually to understand the main theme. For each of the studied articles, summary and critiques will be carried out in order to refine the understanding of the topic discussed in the articles, how each article contributed to existing understanding, and how effective, relevant and useful each article is for the research assignment.
Annotated Bibliography
Zhao, X. and Ghiselli, R., 2016. Why do you feel stressed in a “smile factory”? Hospitality job characteristics influence work–family conflict and job stress. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(2), pp.305-326.
This research article discussed the role of “Hospitality Job Characteristics” (HJCs) and its relations to job stress and work-family conflict. The central idea of this article is to study how hospitality employees deal with stress while working in hotels (smile factory). The research finding inveterate that different employees’ groups are highly indulged in high work stress. Therefore, hospitality management must restructure the work environment and introduce family support programs in order to reduce employees’ job stress.
From this research article, it can be concluded that employees working in the hospitality industry do face job-stress and work-family conflicts regardless of their demographics and marital status. Moreover, this article studied the employees working in the Chinese hospitality industry. Therefore, there are chances that the employees working in the Australian hospitality industry may have different views on job stress and work-family conflicts. Also, this research was conducted through a questionnaire survey from the selected hotels in China. The data generated was cross-sectional did not demonstrate the causal relationships. Consequently, the findings cannot be generalized.
Yang, J.T., Wan, C.S. and Fu, Y.J., 2012. Qualitative examination of employee turnover and retention strategies in international tourist hotels in Taiwan. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3), pp.837-848.
In this research article, a qualitative examination has been done to study employee turnover and retention strategies in the hospitality industry. This study aimed to identify the determinants leading to employee turnover at management level and to recognize the existing retention strategies used by the hoteliers. Yang, Wan, and Fu observed that even though the hoteliers use effective retention strategies like (HRM strategies, internal marketing strategies and knowledge retention strategies), the employee turnover rate persisted. Another factor leading to turnover identified in this research is the difference between expectation and reality. Yang, Wan, and Fu realised that managers may need to know their subordinates’ needs when offering career advice, and training programs.
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