For this Assignment: Accounting and Finance role
Search for current advertisements for job vacancies in your area of interest in an accounting firm, accounting or finance role in industry, a financial services firm or other relevant organisation.
Select one vacancy that could be your ‘ideal or dream job’ based on your qualifications and areas of interest 3 to 5 years’ post-graduation. You can assume for the purposes of this activity that you will have held a graduate position to gain relevant experience for the future role you have identified.
The advertisement you choose should have clearly defined selection criteria, details of tasks or duties and information about the organisation so that you can review their website (refer to the samples provided for reference).
Save a PDF version of the full job advertisement and upload it as a separate file to MYLO with your assignment.
Requirement 1: Research report (500 words)
Undertake research on accounting and finance job skills for the future relevant to the role you have chosen. Your research should consider emerging priorities for employers, tasks that are being automated, technology skills, remote working and any other factors that influence the type of skills that will be in demand in the next 5 years.
Using the list of selection criteria you identified for the vacancy you chose, use your research to discuss areas you expect to become more or less important to employers in the coming years.
At this stage of your qualifications, you should be familiar with research methodology and referencing requirements. Guidelines are included in the Resources folder in MYLO Content.
Suggested research sources include professional association websites, accounting and finance academic journals, articles published by accounting and finance firms (Big 4 firms publish a lot of content on this), articles on Linked In, industry/business magazines (such as Acuity, In the Black, Harvard Business Review).
References to your research should be included both within your written report as in-text and as reference list entries in accordance with UTas Harvard referencing standards.
Present your report using professional formats and styles.
Requirement 2: Gap Analysis (table attached as an Annexure, not included in Word Count)
Identify 8 to 10 key selection criteria from the advertised role you identified. In identifying selection criteria, undertake additional research on the organisations website for information about their business, work culture, policies and procedures.
Prepare a Gap Analysis for the 8 to 10 selection criteria you have identified in the advertised role. Categorise selection criteria using the Competencies in the CGMA Competency Framework Tool (provided in the Weekly Content), ensuring you have at least one selection criteria for each of the Competencies.
The Gap Analysis should be professionally presented as a table in A4 landscape format with column headings for the following:
- Selection criteria
- Competency (from CGMA Competency Framework Tool)
- Current proficiency level
- Proficiency level required (for the role)
- Personal action plan
Create a rating scheme for your current and required proficiency level that has 4 to 5 levels, include a key for the rating system used. You will rate your proficiency of skills, qualifications and experience as a graduate (current) and also at a level that would be required in the chosen role (required).
The Personal Action Plan should include experience, personal or professional development, courses and/or additional qualifications that you plan to undertake to be successful in the chosen role. Your Action Plan should detail your proposed plan to shift from current to required proficiency level. Be as detailed and specific as you can in this section as this is intended to be a resource for your career development, not just for this assignment.
Requirement 3: Video response to Interview Question (Video 3 to 5 minutes)
You have been advised that you have been selected for interview for your chosen advertised role. You have been asked to prepare a video recorded response to the interview question:
“We have had a large number of excellent applications for this role, please explain what attracted you to the role and our organisation. Why are you the best person for this role?”
In your response to this question prioritise the skills you identified as most important from the advertisements and your research.
Use the STAR method to provide a relevant example, you will find details of the STAR method in the Weekly Content.
Your response should consider requirements of the advertised role and additional information from the organisations’ website. This is your opportunity to stand out, make sure your response is highly relevant to the employer.
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