BFA605 Financial and Corporate Accounting - Assessment 3

Assignment Help on Video Recording Presentation

Assessment Item 3 –Video presentation

In this section, you will need to prepare a pre-recorded video interview, with a maximum of five minutes, to answer the following questions:

“Firstly, can you please explain to us why heritage items are related to the financial balance sheet?”

(suggestion only: around 30s)

“Following on from that, in your opinion, should heritage items be recognised as assets? And are there any perspectives that contradict your view?”

(suggestion only: around 1-2 minutes)

“Finally, has your perspective changed since the peer review? If so, how has the correspondence from your peers influenced this change? How would you improve your Case study submission based on the feedback you received from your peers?”                                                                                          (suggestion only: around 2-3 minutes)

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You are required to submit a video recording of yourself, addressing the above questions. The recording must be submitted via MyLO and must be no longer than five minutes in duration. It is not necessary for the questions to be repeated verbatim in the recording. For example, you might like to present your responses as a monologue or use your video-editing skills to incorporate the questions visually. This is not a group assessment.

Further instructions and information:

This is a video interview, rather than a presentation. As such you should not use PowerPoint slides or other similar presentation tools. The recording should be of sufficient quality for the assessors to clearly hear your voice and see your facial expressions. This can be done through most e-devices however if you feel that you lack access to the appropriate resources please advise your unit coordinator (Dr. Jing Jia) so that she can assist you.

Here are a couple of additional resources that can help you with the preparation of your interview:

  • This resource is specifically for job interviews, but most of the tips are relevant for this assignment: choose the video with a title of “how to prepare for a Video interview”
  • This resource offers some helpful tips on how to ensure that the audio and visual of your video are of a good quality:

Submitting instructions for Video presentation:

You need to submit the following to the assessment dropbox under Assessments – Assignments – ‘Assignment 2: Video Presentation’:

  • Submit your video presentation (ideally, in mp4 format)
  • Submit the transcript of your video presentation

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