An Annotated Bibliography is the identification, citation, and summary of relevant books, reports, documents, and articles.
The purpose of your Annotated Bibliography assessment is to identify formal sources which include academic and business book chapters, reports and articles dealing with change management in a designated topic. The key issues and findings in identified reports and articles need to be summarised and critically reviewed.
The unit learning outcomes assessed are:
- Critique the nature, causes and dynamics of organisational change.
- Identify, critically review and distill key issues affecting change in organisations;
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, reports, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 - 200 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited
For more information on how to write an Annotated Bibliography consult the following resource INSERT LINK TO H5P on AB HERE
For this assessment task you are to locate 6 reliable sources that will inform and support your Assessment task 2 report. Use these sources to produce an Annotated Bibliography on an organisational change carried out at one of the following companies:
- Telstra
- Australia Post
- CSL Limited - this is my company
- Qantas
To complete this assessment task, you need to:
- Working individually, research, identify and create a bibliography of 6 citations of sources which will include book chapters, articles, and reports relevant to the chosen topic.
- For each citation in your bibliography, develop an annotation of one paragraph (150-200 words) which describes and evaluates the citation. The purpose of this annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.
- Use the Harvard Referencing Style for each source.
- Ensure that each of your annotations includes a summary of the arguments and/or findings, and evaluation of the arguments and evidence provided.
Assessment Criteria- make sure to check all this
- Selection of relevant and current academic sources - 35%
- Accurate and comprehensive summary and evaluation of the sources displaying diagnostic and analytical skills in reviewing the evidence from the research - 35%
- Organisation and use of academic writing - 15%
- Appropriate and accurate use of the Harvard Referencing Style for citations - 15%
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