Adina Apartment Hotel - Business Research Design Assignment Solution

  • Introduction

The success of any business organization is highly dependent of the totality of benefits which is provided to customers in the form of product or services. The goal of each organization is to ensure that differentiate value proposition is being provided to customers and this goal can be achieved by using different research strategies for enhancement of overall value for customers. The underlying report has made reliance on business research findings of three Harvard Business Review articles, such that this knowledge might be applied in real world organization for improvement of customer value proposition, innovation and future of organization. The research studies have mainly highlighted the importance of customer value proposition and considered it crucial for assuring long run success of any business. The chosen organization is Adina Apartment Hotel in Australia, which provides contemporary apartment services to its customers. The insights obtained from three articles are considered relevant for bringing improvement in existing customer value proposition of Adina Apartment hotel. 

The report has been structured in different segments with an aim of linking research knowledge of customer value proposition with Adina Hotel. Firstly, the introduction of company and its relevant industry is provided, which is being followed by discussion on business enhancement tools, encompassing; customers, innovation and future. Followed by this, each chosen research paper is discussed along with highlighting its relevance with the underlying issue of discussion. Additionally, the existing value proposition of Adina Hotels is discussed in addition to guidance for improved value proposition. 

  • Industry and Company

Adina Apartment Hotels operate in hospitality industry, which has basis in Australia and works under TFE brand of Hotels (TFE Hotel, 2019). The brand was considered as first Australian based apartment hotel chain in Europe and it has expanded to around 32 branches which operate in Australia, Europe and New Zealand, of which 20 hotels operate within Australia (Adina, 2019a). The main slogan of Adina Apartment Hotels is “my other address”, which shows that hotel is designed with the aim of providing home away from home. Adina is considered as highly comfortable and it provides space to its residents where they could live the way they like (Adina, 2019b). For instance, customers can do their laundries if they want, can cook food and do their dishes, just like their homes.  In addition to this, it also offers an opportunity to its customers for availing the hotel services on demand. Based on this notion it can be said that Adina Apartment Hotels makes and effort to blend in-home experience of customers with hotel experience, whereby they might enjoy their stay to the desired level. 

Regardless of this attractiveness for customers, it is important to assess the customer value proposition of hotel, with an aim of assessing the reasons for which its competitors are performing better than Adina. For instance, ibis Hotel has found to be more popular among customers than Adina, indicating that there might exist some discrepancy in customer value proposition of Adina Apartment Hotels, which should be addressed for assuring customer satisfaction and attractive future of business. 

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