Presentation Evaluation

School: TAFE Queensland - Course: BSB 30115 - Subject: Accounting

Presentation Evaluation Form Presenter: Molly O'Sullivan Date: 1.11.22 Topic: How to create an invoice in xero Evaluator Name: ____________________________________ Presentation Effectiveness Criteria To what extent did the presentation represent the following features?YesNeeds Work NoComments 1. Purpose communicated clearly. 2. Organized and easy to follow. 3. Presenter exhibited a good understanding of topic. 4. Presenter was well-prepared. 5. Presenter spoke clearly/effectively 6. Time for presentation used effectively. 7. Slides enhanced presentation. 8. Presenter responded effectively to audience questions and comments. 9. Presentation was done in a way that engaged audience. 10. What did you like most about the presentation? 11. What areas might you suggest for improvement not listed above?

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