Peer-Self Evaluation-Group 3- assignment 9- Pratik Baheti

School: Harrisburg University Of Science And Technology Hi - Course: MASTERS IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT 501 - Subject: Accounting

Group 03 - Qu Evaluator: Pratik Baheti Behavior AttributeScore Guide Contribution1234 Pratik BahetiResearch & Gather Information Share Information Level of ContributionMostly absent during the discussionsBe PunctualAlways contributes on time. Quality of Work12343234 Discussion QualityOffers discussion of little value.Take Responsibility12344344 Fulfill Team Role's DutiesPerforms very few duties.Performs nearly all duties. Share Equally Value Others' Viewpoints12344434 Cooperate with TeammatesUsually argues with teammates.Sometimes argues.Rarely argues.Never argues with teammates. Make Fair DecisionsUsually considers all views. Leadership4344 Leadership BehaviorsTotals: 151214160000 CheckCheckCheckCheck Your NameHere1stTeammate2ndTeammate3rdTeammate4thTeammate5thTeammate6thTeammate7th Teammate Arnoldo Jose MartinezChamorroGirishKondapalliSameep Babu Malla Does not collect any informationthat relates to the topic.Collects very little information--some relates to the topic.Collects some basic information--most relates to the topic.Collects a great deal of information-- all relates to the topic. A. Girish did good job of reseraching and gathering information. He was the first one to initiate the task and complete it on time.B. Sameep has been very consistent with his performance through out the assignments and break out sessions. He is the leader when it comes to taking responsibility.C This time Arnoldo atteended meetings and was ready to do whatever task was assigned to him. However, he never adds any content top the group discussion Hence low marks to him here. Does not relay any information toteammates.Relays very little information--somerelates to the topic.Relays some basic information--most relates to the topic.Relays a great deal of information-- all relates to the topic. Responds minimally to postings. Must be directly asked to provide feedback.Responds to most postings onceinitiated.Contributes to all discussion postings. Often leads the discussion Contribution is always late and impacts the discussionschedule. Team must move forwardwith discussion input. Contribution is late but does not drastically impact the discussionschedule. Contributes to most discussions on time. Does not offer meaningful contentto discussions.Offers meaningful responses todiscussions, but not consistently.Always offers thorough and complete thoughts to discussion. Participates in all discussion threads. Girish provided inputs but they were not as indepth and detailed as Sameep did for his job. Aronoldo didn't add any content in meeting but again he did good job of giving insights in the assignment itself for his job Does not perform any duties ofassigned team role.Performs all duties of assigned team role. Sameep this time took the most difficult task. Also, he has been on the top when it comes to scheduling meeting and keep the discussion going in the team which I am learning from him Always relies on others to do thework.Rarely does the assigned work--often needs reminding.Usually does the assigned work--rarely needs reminding.Always does the assigned work without having to be reminded. We decided to work individually on this assignment first and then share our insights about each part. Ofcurse in part 2 and 3 it had more charts and diagrams but we did discuss all the talking points and there was no confict of opinions as everyone seemed to adjust to what was asked of them Usually wants to have things his orher way.Often sides with friends instead ofconsidering all views.Always helps team to reach a fair decision. Rate yourself and all group members on the level of leadership the exhibited during the discussion (1 = none, 4 = outstanding leadership). Displays behaviors opposite of aleader: does not completecommitted activities, discouragesother team members contributions,forces opinions on others, worksthrough project activities contraryto the general agreement in thegroup.Does not display leadership behaviors or behaviors contrary to being a leader. Displays leadership behaviors someof the time:leads by example, stepsin when needed, assists inclarification of assignment as able,leads discussions, sharesexperiences for other groupmembers to learn from, and helpsthe group's learning process.Displays aspects of a good leader group for all team activities: leads by example, steps in when needed,assists in clarification of assignmentas able, leads discussions, sharesexperiences for other groupmembers to learn from, and helps the group's learning process. Girish showed leadership by leading the discussion and scheduling meetings to ensure we don't rush at last minute like our last assignment. Girish is assigned as leader by us and he steered the meetings and assigned jobs to each team member. Sameep did good job of keeping track of project completion and success. Arnoldo showed his leadership skills by adjusting with the requirement in this assignment and cordinated well with Sameep on completing part 3

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