Health Promotion Proposal

Assistance on Written Proposal

Community pharmacies are recognised not only as providers of health products, but also as dispensers of quality health advice. While this advice may be tailored to an individual, pharmacies may also target population groups with health promotion activities. This assessment will require you to construct a proposal for a health promotion activity for the second community pharmacy that hosts you on placement.

Assessment type: Written proposal        Task weighting:      20%

Task description: Plan outlining your placement site, the community it serves and its health challenges, and a structured proposal for a health promotion activity that will address one of these health challenges.

Word limit: 2000 words

Presentation:           Word™ document; 12 point Times New Roman font; line spacing of 2; standard margins (i.e. 2.54 cm for all) and normal character spacing.

Components of your proposal:

Placement site overview (200 – 300 words); this section should give an overview of your placement site, and should include a clear description of the location, staffing and patient demographics of the community pharmacy which you are creating this proposal for.

Health needs of the community (400 – 600 words); here you should explore the health needs of the community your pharmacy serves, name the health need you are addressing and explain the significance of this health issue (need).

Previous Health Promotions (400 – 600 words); in this section you will explain what you have learned about previous health promotions run by this pharmacy, with focus on least one of them. In this focused discussion, you should explore the reasoning for that promotion, how it was organised (staffed and promoted to the public) and its perceived success (or otherwise).

Your Health Promotion (400 – 600 words); in your final section you should outline how your health promotion would operate, resources required (including staffing) and how it would be promoted.

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