BUSM4448 Business Research Design - Assignment 1

Assignment Help on Reflective Essay

Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is for you to provide a response to the following essay statement: “how does business research enable Organisations to deal with changing business environments and uncertainty?”.

Description: In this assessment, you are required to write a reflective essay. You are required to come up with three (3) major arguments to justify the above statement. Remember to elaborate your reasons/justifications by answering the “how” question in a clear, concise, and consistent manner.

You are expected to provide at least five (5) peer-reviewed references for this essay to support your arguments and justifications. You may use the references provided in the course.

An essay presents a well-argued discussion or response to a question or proposition, using analysis and critique of relevant literature. It establishes a proposition and presents a point of view. You can use 'first person' narrative essay writing style for this assessment.

You will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Constructed persuasive, evidence-based and engaging essay (15%)
  • The strength of your first justification on how business research design benefits your chosen organisation with a critical link to the concepts and theories (25%)
  • The strength of your second justification on how business research design benefits your chosen organisation with a critical link to the concepts and theories (25%)
  • The strength of your third justification on how business research design benefits your chosen organisation with a critical link to the concepts and theories (25%)
  • Modelled clear, logical academic writing and referencing skills (10%)

Course learning outcomes

This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:

CLO 2 Identify and synthesise research designs to explore relevant aspects of a complex and ambiguous business problem

CLO 3 Critically evaluate and synthesise options for innovative business research design

Assessment Details

In this assessment, you are required to write an essay using the following topic statement:

how does business research enable organisations to deal with changing business environments and uncertainty

An essay writing style is to be used to complete the assignment. An essay presents a well-­argued discussion or response to a question or proposition, using analysis and critique of relevant literature. It establishes a proposition and presents a point of view. Be clear about which Business Research Design concepts that are the focus of your essay, why and how they support your justification. The topic statement of the essay must be clearly stated at the beginning of the essay. Therefore, you are required to come up with three (3) major Argument to validate the above topic statement. Remember to elaborate your reasons/justifications by answering the “how” question in a clear, concise, and consistent manner.

Please refer to RMIT's Learning Lab resources on Essay writing to assist you in planning, researching, writing and reviewing your essay before submitting.

!!! At least five (5) peer-reviewed references are required in this essay to support your arguments and justifications. You may use the references provided in the course and other peer-reviewed materials outside of the course to help you.

Please check out below some resources to help you to navigate the RMIT library database:

  • Videos
    • Academic/Peer-reviewed articles
  • Links
    • Business College Liaison Librarians: If you’re having trouble acquiring an article/paper, please seek the assistance of one of the Business Liaison Librarians.

Suggested Format

Your essay will consist of:

Structure Details
  1. Cover page

(not part of the Word count)

o  Include your classroom tutor and class-room number in the cover page
  1. Introduction Paragraph

(not part of the Word count)

o  Only 1 short opening paragraph

o  A brief general statement setting the context of the essay

o  Mention the topic statement

o  Indicates the areas and perspectives discussed in the essay

  1. Body of the essay

(part of the Word count)



o  Argument 1

o   Contains your point of view

o   Relevant to chosen context

o   Supported by academic references

o   Clear link to BRD concepts and theories

o  Argument 2

o   Contains your point of view

o   Relevant to chosen context

o   Supported by academic references

o   Clear link to BRD concepts and theories

o  Argument 3

o   Contains your point of view

o   Relevant to chosen context

o   Supported by academic references

o   Clear link to BRD concepts and theories

  1. Conclusion Paragraph

(not part of the Word count)

c  Only 1 short concluding paragraph

c  A brief summary of the main points above

  1. References

(not part of the Word count)

c  Following RMIT Harvard referencing style

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