Smart City Transportation Using IoT And VANET Technologies - Assignment Solution

  • Introduction

1.1 IoT Smart Cities

Technological advancements in computing and telecommunication have drastically transformed the world. In particular, the growth of Internet of Things and cloud computing have been used to enhance the quality of services in cities (Wang & Jiang 2017). Information technology has become an indispensable instrument for both private and public stakeholders due to the rise in microprocessors, online technologies, and powerful data networks. To exemplify, the growing importance of economic and social aspects of cities in strategic plans has led to the exploitation of emerging technologies (Albino, 2015). The integration of information, communication, and advanced sensors to manage city assets leads to the concept of smart cities. In particular, the sensor networks play a significant role in the collection of important information regarding the urban environment (Csaji, 2017). Through a combination of cameras, sensors, computers, and a data network, it is possible to transmit real-time information, which almost appears as an extension of the ability to see.

The rise in population is the major factor contributing towards the need for smart infrastructures. Smart Cities improve sustainability and efficiency of various urban dynamics such as health, water, land, and energy (Li, 2015). From a closer examination, application of smart technology is effective when applied within urban zones and then extended to other areas, before forming a continental and even global network. The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), has become central to the conceptualisation and implementation of Smart Cities due to the required connectivity between the sensor nodes (Basic & Majic, 2018). Although a contested term, a Smart City refers to a proper use of resources through the application of real-time technologies that automate some tasks (Abella & De-Pablos, 2017). In fact, sensor technologies are essential for cities because they present a quintessential and operational feasible environment. Therefore, owing to the indisputability of the power of sensor technologies, it is necessary to explore ways in which urban authorities can implement these innovations in developing smart cities. To achieve this objective, experts can explore the various roles, challenges and impacts of network sensors in smart cities. In their research, Eremia Toma, and Sanduleac argue that a smart city is one “that monitors and integrates conditions of its critical infrastructures-including roads, bridges, tunnels, rails, subways, airports, seaports, communications, water, power, even major buildings” to optimize resources through early planning, security monitoring while maintaining maximum service delivery to the people (Eremia, 2017). In addition, a smart city can utilize technologies, such as information and communications to facilitate or enhance sustainability (Eremia, 2017). As the concept of smart cities becomes ubiquitous today and more popular among techies, scholars and legislators, it is important to understand the true meaning of what a smart city is. The paper by Albino, Berardi and Dangelico provides a detailed clarification of the term “smart” with respect to the context of cities. Here, being smart entails attaining specific strategic directions (Albino, 2015).  It also discusses about the elements and dimensions that define a smart city. The paper goes further to cover performance measures that are attributed to smart cities across the globe. This study is relevant in not only pointing out the differences between smart cities and traditional cities but also reviews key metrics that characterize urban smartness.  Policy makers can use the information in this particular report to approve incentives for the development of smart cities and measures of performance can be valuable in gauging progress in achieving smarter cities (Albino, 2015). 

1.2 VANET Technologies

Automobiles are considered to be the major mode of transportation by millions of world’s inhabitants. With the growing population rate, the transportation mechanism has become complex. The increasing demand of transport has made the communication between vehicles a necessity with high priority of safety and entertainment. The widespread use of transport has caused traffic saturation, congestion and increased probability of accidents(Jain, 2018). These facts have motivated the engineers and mechanics to develop application that aid vehicle conductors in taking decisions about routes while providing safety to all of its occupants. These applications can also aid the vehicle operators in avoiding traffic jams by choosing the less congested trajectory(Mezher, Paredes, Urquiza-Aguiar, Moreira, & Igartua, 2015). This will also help in increasing vehicle’s efficiency thereby contributing in reduction of environmental pollution. Vehicle Adhoc Network (VANET) is a type of application that allows the vehicle operators in gaining these advantages. 

VANET is not a new topic in communication networking area, yet it has continued to provide new research challenges and problems. VANET is a type of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) which is defined as a network that connects autonomous nodes composed of mobile devices or other mobile pieces arranged in several ways(K. D. Singh, Rawat, & Bonnin, 2014). These nodes work under a top-down network administration setting. MANETs are categorized under VANET, InVANET and iMANET. VANET has the main aim of aiding vehicles group in maintaining smooth communication using any central base controller or station(Alves & Wille, 2018). In VANET vehicles, the messages are transmitted and received through a wireless VANET based application on intelligent transportation system. Using the promised future potential of VANET, it has been chosen to achieve a smart buses system(Mezher et al., 2015). The major aim of this project is to build on an iOT based system that will help in reducing waiting passenger time at bus stations and reduce the traffic congestion. VANET will allow the passengers to track the incoming buses through GPS location while the drivers will get notifications over available number of passengers at upcoming bus station. The main contribution of this paper is to present current state-of-the art in VANET technology that can be used in designing of automated intelligent buses system. Many VANETs have been proposed by other researchers, yet this study aims at suggesting a novel solution to achieve reduction in waiting time, traffic congestion and safety maximization. A detailed study of the networking architecture along with different topologies and network modeling will be presented in this paper. This paper will also discuss routing algorithms, designing, software designing and security system of VANET technology to be used in intelligent buses system model. 

With the development of wireless networking, VANET has received much attention on data delivery services. Especially intelligent transportations system(ITS) has already been using VANET for collecting traffic statistical data, routing data and identification of vehicle’s current locations(Yang & Bagrodia, 2009). Traffic Control Center (TCC) also used VANET for collecting and maintains the vehicle information without allowing access over location of vehicles to others(Nafi & Khan, 2012). VANET allows TCC to support safety and non-safety related applications as well that allows in preventing traffic congestion, detection of gunshots and accident alerts. 

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