Assessment Task 3: Written assignment (45%)
Discuss and analyse in more detail 2 of the discussion posts that you submitted for assessment task (AT) 2 and use contemporary literature for support. For the 2 posts that you choose, you are to discuss and analyse professional leadership in nursing in further detail. Building on your engagement from the online forum posts you will re-write and expand your responses through the application of sound written and analytical communication skills, to analyse in greater depth the major theoretical foundations of leadership and their application to nursing practice. This is to demonstrate your understanding of the contribution of sound leadership that enhances service delivery to improve health care outcomes. You must read and research widely and use further contemporary literature to support your stance. You must also include again as you did in AT2, screen shot evidence of your original entire posts and response posts in a single (1) collated word document via the Turnitin assignment drop boxes in the campus tile of the NRSG375 LEO site. This AT has a word limit of 1200 words +/- 10%.
Post 1 - Modules 1 & 2.
Clinical leadership is not an important consideration to a graduate RN. It is more important to increase my confidence and improve my clinical skills to be a competent clinician. Critically reflect and discuss in your first online post (ensure you support your point of view with contemporary literature) Modules 1 & 2. (LO2)
Post 2 - Modules 3 & 4.
Autonomy and accountability are inherent to nursing as a profession. How do these professional expectations related to leadership qualities enable the RNs practice? Critically reflect and discuss this for your second online post (ensure you support your point of view with contemporary literature) Modules 3 & 4. (LO4).
Post 3 - Modules 5 & 6
What elements enable and enhance positive change and innovation in the health care environment, should I be contributing to as a graduate RN? Critically reflect and discuss this for your third online post (ensure you support your point of view with contemporary literature) Modules 5 & 6. (LO5).
You are expected to approach this assessment task as an opportunity to showcase your written analytical skills in the format of an academic paper. You may find the following link to the academic skill unit page on academic writing of assistance with this.
The expectation is that you build on the use of the contemporary literature to support your view in responding to the topics/questions from your online posts in assignment 2 in this next assessment task. The following link may assist you to do that.
Referencing is integral to academic writing, in the Faculty of Health Sciences, the prescribed referencing convention is the APA referencing style. You may wish to revisit these requirements at the following link.
Please refer to the rubric for this assessment task below as a further guide to assessment expectations.
You are required to submit evidence (screen shot) of your x6 online posts from Assessment Task 2 as a part of this Assessment Task 3. Please submit these as part of the document submitted for assessment task 3 in a single document.
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