ExpenseEmployee Category $750.20 AbbotAirfare $ 1,051.14 AbbotHotel $285.32 AbbotMeals $123.41 AbbotMisc $595.00 AbbotRegistration $ 2,805.07Abbott Total $ 2,496.13Donaldson Total $ 2,643.45Hart Total $285.00 MillerAirfare $840.25 MillerHotel $304.12 MillerMeals $113.64 MillerMisc $595.00 MillerRegistration $ 2,138.01Miller Total $658.00 OvertonAirfare $ 1,283.50 OvertonHotel $374.82 OvertonMeals $124.64 OvertonMisc $775.00 OvertonRegistration $ 3,215.96Overton Total ###Grand Total
LoveSummaryb7d384c83ba645e236582e259859752059f45415.xlsxCategoryAverage - Expense Airfare$489.03 Hotel$1,048.90 Meals$325.82 Misc$113.97 Registration$682.00 This shape represents a slicer. Slicers are supported in Excel 2010 or later. If the shape was modified in an earlier version of Excel, or if the workbook was saved in Excel 2003 or earlier, the slicer cannot be used.
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