Written Report on Market Responses to firms Voluntary Carbon Disclosure

Assignment Help on Business Report

  • 400-500 words of written report. The report requires citations.
  • Assignment topic is: Market responses to firms' voluntary carbon disclosure
  • A source of the assignment topic is: Group 5 Alsaifi K., Elnahass, M. and Salama, A. (2020), "Market responses to firms' voluntary carbon disclosure: Empirical evidence from the United Kingdom," Journal of Cleaner Production Vol. 262, 121377, pp. 1-11. Please find a few more sources.
  • 2 slides of PPT (because will make a presentation)
  • Please write a transcript for me to do the presentation. The presentation is for onlyminutes. I will be asked after the presentation by the lecturer if I understand the work that I have done/presented.
  • It is a group assignment of 4 students. There are 4 analyses. Each student does 1 part of the My part to do is as below:

Identify the problem and the current issues from an accounting and corporate governance perspective and link to the topics covered in the paper.

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