Assessment 2: MTSS proposal for school council / school leadership team
3000-word essay; individual.
Write a proposal for a school council / school leadership team, making the case for the adoption of MTSS as an instruction and intervention framework for academic and behavioural wellbeing.
You may focus on either a primary or secondary setting for this assignment.
Your proposal should: provide a background rationale for adopting a school-wide instructional model; explain why MTSS is the model you are recommending; and outline what MTSS is and what its components are. You should explain what adopting an MTSS model will entail and what school leaders, teachers, and parents should see in terms of student data and wellbeing over time if the implementation is successful. You should also address likely implementation challenges and how these can be managed by the leadership team.
Further to questions raised in the AT2 Q&A session: It is fine to have more of a focus on RTI than on the other components of MTSS, but you must introduce and describe all of the elements in your submission.
- Do not name the school. Please use a pseudonym.
- use 1.5 spacing throughout.
- submit your essay as a Word document (not as a pdf)
- use a plain font (Times, Arial, Calibri etc)
- use headings if this makes the reader’s job easier
- do not include an Abstract / Executive summary
- do not include a table of contents
- do not reference lectures or the LMS
- refer to Pam Snow’s Hot Tips for Academic Writing document to avoid common writing pitfalls.
Please also refer to the detailed marking rubric in the Subject Learning Guide before you start writing.
Remember, this assessment is not asking you to summarise everything you have learnt in the subject. It is asking you to use your new knowledge for a particular purpose.
The referencing style for this subject is APA7
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