Question 2 Needs Grading Why is cash larceny easier to detect than skimming? ,J Seiected Answer: Correct Answer: Response Feedback: Theft of cash by larceny refers Io situations where workers of any organization snitch on cash afier it has been recorded in the organization's accounling system. If the culprits are given access to the cash or if the cash is already on hand they can easily steal it. They even steal money from deposits at other banks They wiil lind it simple to accept money gradually and 'n tiny amounts over an extended period of time. Instead of caliing these incidents theft: organizations refer to them as "shorts" or "miscounts". On the other hand: circumstances in which workers of any business steai money before it is entered into the organization's accounting system are referred to as theft of money by skimming. The culprits can compiicate the entire process by lowering sales via the use of fict ious discounts stealing client payments, and portraying the receivables as uncoiiectible As the theft of cash through larceny is documented in the accounting system after it is committed it is easiertc detect than theft of cash by skimming and is very uncommon to occur . Cash larceny is easierto detect than is skimming because cash larceny is an onrtherbook crime, whereas skimming occurs before cash has been posted to the hooks. [None Given]
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