Which calculation and answer shows how to convert 13 / 16 to a decimal
Expert's Answer
Let's use this fraction to convert it into a 13 divided by 16. I'm just going to write to the multiples of 16. It's going to be easier for me to do this quickly. There were 16 boats in 13 minutes. It's ADDers zero. I don't forget the decimal, so I will bring it up. It goes into 1 30 eight times here. That's 28 people interested. There are two remaining at a zero. Bring it down, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay brought it down Only one goes into 20 with four remaining at zero. Bring it down, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay brought it down savesay savesay savesay brought it down 16 goes into 41 2 times 32 with 8 coming down. You should do one bar. Um 16 goes into 81 23 times. That's right. But round to the nearest 100. I'm aware of this.
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