Using the data provided to the class in softcopy on Blackboard. You want to analyze shipping from either Brockport (14420) or Chicago (60613). Please calculate and compare the freight charges for shipping these packages UPS Ground. Write a one-page professional memo where you: Ship from Brockport 14420 Ship From Chicago 60613 Whse Order Number Suffix Invoice Date Number of Lines Quantity Shipped Customer Number Type Total Order Value Total Invoice Value Brockport Total Invoice Value Chicago Total Invoice Value Ship-to City Ship-to State # Digit Zip Ship-to Zip Code ShipVia Actual Freight Freight Charged Chicago Zone Brockport Zone UPS Zone DAS Pkg # Actual Weight Shipping Weight Tracking Number Brockport Freight Charge Chicago freight Charge 50 7929416 0 39041 2 2 114800 W 132.83 132.83 143.07 144.34 BATAVIA NY 140 14020 UPSG 4.07 0 4 2 3 1 1.18 2 1Z23370W0315835387 10.24 11.51 50 7929417 0 39041 1 1 654892 W 76.84 94.45 102.88 135.11 BRONX NY 104 10458 UPSG 7.94 10.32 5 3 2 1 6.755 30 1Z23370W0315839418 26.04 40.66 Please claculate the Brockport and Chicago's total invoice value with data. Also, please show me how to calculate these total invoice value.
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