UNIVERSITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE OFFICE OF THE BURSAR 4131 NW 16THSTREET, LAUDERHILL, FL 33313 PHONE (954) 486-7728FAX: (954) 486-7667 TUITION PAYMENT CONTRACT This tuition payment contract is a per-semester contract between University of Fort Lauderdale and you, the student. PERSONAL INFORMATION (Please type or print.) □Mr.□-Ms.□Mrs.Sex □Male□- Female Name Last_________________________________________ First ________________________________ Middle_______________________ Former Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _____ / ____ / _________________________________________________ MonthDayYearPlace of BirthSocial Security Number Country of Citizenship:_____________________________Native Language: ________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Permanent AddressCityStateZip ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Current Mailing AddressCityStateZip Home Telephone() _______________Work Number()___________ E-mail: ______________________ Are you a UFTL employee?□Yes□NoAre you a dependent of a UFTL employee?□Yes□ No PROGRAM INFORMATION ______________________________________________________________________________ Program of Study Semester Enrolled:□Fall□Spring□ SummerYear: __________ $35 (due upon completing application) $25 (due each semester) $45 (due each semester) $35 (due each semester) $400 (due annually- fall semester enrollment) $200 (applicable to spring enrollment only) $300 $40 (due upon completing application) $25 (due each semester) $75 (due each semester) $35 (due each semester) $400 (due annually- fall semester enrollment) $200 (applicable to spring enrollment only) PAYMENT INFORMATION Tuition Charges Undergraduate Program Application FeeRegistration FeeLibrary FeeStudent Activity FeeAthleticClub Participation FeeCost Per CreditGraduate Program Application FeeRegistration FeeLibrary FeeStudent Activity FeeAthleticClub Participation FeeCost Per CreditRevised 05/24/2020$350
Revised 05/24/2020An Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Institution ______________(Student's Initials)Page 2 of 4 $50 (due upon completing application) $25 (due each semester) $75 (due each semester) $35 (due each semester) $400 (due annually- fall semester enrollment) $200 (applicable to spring enrollment only) Doctoral Program Application Fee Registration Fee Library FeeStudent Activity FeeAthleticClub Participation FeeCost Per Credit$400 University of Fort Lauderdale assesses two sets of fees that encompass tuition charges: student fees (registration and student activity) and cost per course. The university assesses tuition charges by semester, rather than by program. That means that students enrolled in the university for a specific semester only pay tuition charges for that semester. Payment Options Students at University of Fort Lauderdale are not allowed to enter classes unless they have selected one of the options offered and fulfilled the requirements associated with that option by the last day of the late registration period. Students who comply are considered officially registered students and are allowed to attend classes. Students who do not comply are not considered officially registered and are not allowed to enter classes. Students who enter classes without meeting their financial obligations will be identified and asked to leave classes. Auditing and non-degree students pay 100% of fees (except student activity) and 50% of tuition. Auditing/non-degree- seeking students must pay the required fees and tuition amounts in order to attend classes. If an auditing/non-degree-seeking student wishes to participate in a student activity during the semester, he/she must pay the student activity fee before he/she can participate in that activity.
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