United Nations Global Compact - Case Study Essay

Assignment Help on Case Study Analysis

Your essay should be informed by your research on the following:

Find a newspaper article (within last 5 years) about unethical business practice/s of any organisation. Scholarly journal article or  online news of blog or TV/radio channel will not be acceptable. The incident should preferably within last five years.

You have to attach the complete article with your submission in addition to citing it in the reference list.

Discuss the ethical responsibilities of the organisation doing business in that country and/or industry. To discuss adequately you are required to include what their responsibilities are and why you believe they are responsible Use the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact as a framework to analyse the case.

Identify which UN Global Compact Principle/s this case breaches. If you have identified more than one principles chose only one to discuss how this organisation has breached the Principle.

Apply business ethics and corporate social responsible theory from your textbook, lecture material and vUWS materials from this unit to analyse this case

Provide two recommendations for the organisation to enable them to increase their globally responsive business practice/s in future. make sure, you address the what, why and how questions while making the recommendation. Supporting example and evidences will add value to the recommendations.

- Use the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact as a framework to analyse the case  https://www.unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/mission/principles Identify which UN Global Compact principle/s have been breached. If you have identified more than one principle mention those but chose only one to discuss in detail how this organisation has breached the principle.

- Apply business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) theories from your textbook, lecture

learning materials from this subject to analyse this case.

- Provide two recommendations to such an organisation to enable them to increase their globally responsive business

practice/s in the future. The recommendations should address what, why and how questions. Appropriate examples

will add value to the recommendations.

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