CJ-207 Assignment 5-2: Processes and Procedures of the Court System Jessica Rivera Key Steps Identify the 8 key steps a defendant moves through in the criminal justice process. Put them in order from first to last. 1. Filing of a Complaint/ Arrest 2. Being 'booked' into the police system, where fingerprints and other personal information is entered into the system 4. Initial Appearance in court 5. Arraignment where the defendant enters a plea. 6. Preliminary hearing, where evidence is presented to try and convince a judge the defendant did commit a crime. 7. If there is probable cause based on the evidence presented, the defendant will then have a trial date set. 8. After a trial date is set, jury selection begins. (Hemmens, 2019) Similarities and Differences Identify 2-3 key differences and similarities and differences between civil and criminal juries. Similarity:Defendants can be acquitted in both criminaland civil cases.Difference: Burden of proof is different for each. In criminal cases, prosecutors must prove 'beyond a reasonable doubt' whereas in civil cases there is the 'preponderance of evidence' which means that juries or judges are fairly certain the defendant committed the crime. Similarity:In both types of juries, the potential jurors areasked questions from prosecutors if they knowany of the parties involved and if the potentialjurors are able to remain impartial for certain situations.Difference: In criminal cases, a defendant can face prison time along with certain fees. In civil cases, there is typically monetary damages.
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