a Employee's social security number Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement NYC 0.00984.500.00984.5013-3125299NY20 Locality name 19 Local income tax18 Local wages, tips, etc.17 State income tax16 State wages, tips, etc.Employer's state ID number15 StateCopy B To Be Filed With Employee's FEDERAL Tax Return 2017 f Employee's address and ZIP code BrianaManhattan, NY 1003577 East 119th street Apt 1Deutou e Employee's first name and initial Last name Suff.d Control number(800) 246-4646 New York, NY 10007 2 Lafayette Street 19th Floor NYC Dept of Youth & Community Dev c Employer's name, address, and ZIP code13-3125299 b Employer identification number (EIN) 0.00 SDI14 Othersick pay employeeRetirementplanThird-party Statutory1311 Nonqualified plans97 Social Security tips984.505 Medicare wages and tips984.503 Social security wages984.501 Wages, tips, other compensationC e d o 12d C e d o 12c o e d C 12b e d o C 12a See instructions for box 12 10 Dependant care benefits 8 Allocated tips 14.27 6 Medicare tax withheld 61.03 4 Social security tax withheld 0.00 2 Federal income tax withheld 100-90-4262 a Employee's social security number Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement NYC 0.00984.500.00984.5013-3125299NY20 Locality name
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