Exam: ACCT 211 Principles of Accounting I Exam Online for AA Students Exam Type: Inbound Date: 22 March 2023 Learner: Kathleen Burkett School Name: Liberty University Comparison Data Pool: Located Inside the U.S.
Kathleen Burkett | ACCT 211 Principles of Accounting I Exam Online for AA Students, 22 March 2023 | Learner Assessment Report The Exam "Why" Thank you for your participation in the ACCT 211 Principles of Accounting I Exam Online for AA Students. This report helps you understand your individual scores, how you rank compared with a sample of other learners' scores, your knowledge strengths and potential knowledge gaps as it relates to the topic areas covered by the exam, and the types of errors you made the most. By completing the assessment to the best of your ability, you are not only more informed about your own learning, but you also provided your school with data they need to impact the quality of education. Peregrine Global Services provides a variety of reports and tables to your school that enable them to discover strengths and opportunities for improvement within your program. You have taken part in a process that will add value to your educational experience, your degree, and help future learners who follow your path. Think of the data collected here as a flashlight rather than a hammer. It shines a light on the areas where you learned the most, as well as those areas where you did not. It is not a blunt instrument to punish perceived failure. Your participation allows the academic program at your school to expand on the bright spots and take corrective measures where needed. Inbound, Mid-Point and Outbound You have taken one or more of these exams during your academic program. Your Inbound Exam resultshelp you understand yourknowledge levels as you beginthe academic program andprovides your school with abaseline from which tomeasure your knowledge gained during and at the end of the academic program. A Mid-point Exam provides ameasurement of your knowledge atthe middle of the program. It helps youand the school measure progress.An Outbound Exam captures the knowledge you have retained during the program, demonstrates achievement of learning goals, and identifies areas for program improvement. 1
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Kathleen Burkett | ACCT 211 Principles of Accounting I Exam Online for AA Students, 22 March 2023 | Learner Assessment Report How to Use Your Assessment Report This report is intended to provide you with a greater understanding of your exam results. Your scores and percentile ranks are more than just arbitrary numbers - they are guideposts on the way to understanding your areas of greatest knowledge, where you have knowledge gaps, and how your academic program is or will be preparing you for your future. The Your Scoressection will help you interpret your total score and percentile rank. Percentiles should not be confused with percentages. For examples, a percentile rank of 75th means that you earned a higher score than 75% of the other learners in the sample who took the same exam, placing you slightly above average on the bell curve graph. Percentage scores on the exam also differ from a traditional 100-point grading scale. For example, you might assume that a total score of 65% corresponds to a "D" letter grade; however, on a nationally normed exam such as this one, it may be above average as indicated by the percentile rank shown on the Relative Interpretation of Learner Competency table. The Exam Topicssection provides additional details on your scores and percentile rank at the topic level. This table of data is more relevant than the total exam score because it is specific to each topic area. Since different schools select different topics for their exam, not all learners in the Sample Data Pool received the same exam. Therefore, it is important to make comparisons with all learners in the Sample Data Pool who did receive the same topic. The table provides the correct number of responses you answered correctly out of the questions offered (e.g., 8 out of 10 or 8/10), your topic score, percentile rank, and the sample size of the pool. An illustration of your Topic Results by Rankfrom highest to lowest will inform you of the areas where you have the most knowledge, as well as areas with knowledge gaps. The topic data include your score, percentile rank, and the average score of all learners in the Sample Data Pool who received the same topic. What types of errors did you make on your exam? The Learning Opportunitiessection helps you understand the types of errors you made the most, whether fact, concept, conclusion, interpretation, or calculation-based errors. You may identify specific topic areas of strength and some opportunities for growth. For an in depth look at each topic, review the Exam Subjectssection to determine the knowledge areas covered and how you scored in each area. Whether you plan to share your strengths with peers, a potential employer, or follow up with further study in a problem area, this information will help you be more targeted in your approach. Glossary of Terms Comparison,Sample Data Pool, Sample The sample of scores used to calculate percentile rank (e.g., Located in the U.S. includes all learners in the United States who took the same exam/topic over the previous 4 academic years). Percentage ScoreThe percentage score is a frequency correct (e.g., 80 questions answered correctly out of 120 equals a 67% exam score or, 80 divided by 120 equals 67%). Percentile RankA percentile rank is the percentage of scores that fall at or below a given score. PercentageChange The percentage change between two scores. For inbound/outbound testing, the percentage change is calculated using the following formula: (Outbound Score / Inbound Score) - 1.
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