Type the custom name Sales by Discipline for the values Apply Accounting Number Format with zero ...

How do I horizontally center the data?

Excel Chapter 5 Simulation Trainin Fariha Kohista Go e Chrome Secure https://sim5 pegasus pearsoncmg.com e05h1Sociology Solution Microsoft Excel PIVOTTABLE TOOLS PAGE LAYOUT FORMULAS REVIEW VIEW ANALYZE DESIGN SIMS PivotTable Name: Active Field: Group nsert Slicer CA Fields, Items & Sets Ed Field List Pivot able 8 Sales by Disciplin. selec if OLAP Tools E Insert Ti pivot chart Recommended EU Buttons Refresh Change Data ng Relationships Field settings Do Move Field Headers Options E Pivot Table Filter Connections PivotTabl Source PivotTable Calculation 2014 PivotTable Fields Choose fields to add to report 3 Sales by Discipline Co t Year Discipline 4 Discipline 2017 Grand Total 2014 Are 5 Aging/Death 3,690,641 1.392,314 1.802,376 5,984,347 12,869,678 6 Criminal Justice 951,559 66,297 2,028,000 3,893,959 7,439,815 Edition 7 Family 565,567 1.824,864 2,139,272 3,961,434 8,491,137 8 Introductory 5,128,395 $6,982,667 5,765,189 $17,876,251 Drag elds between areas below: 9 Race/Class/Gender 684,680 3,537,699 6,371,482 $12,398,667 22,992,528 FILTERS COLUMNS 10 Social Problems 1.403,892 1.608,894 2,927,527 4,810,914 $10,751,227 11 Soc al Psychology 2,364,621 1.169,804 3,416,834 7,342,985 $14,294,244 VALUES 12 Grand Total 13 14 UPDATE Defer Layout update PivotTable Books Data Keyboard Learning Aids E Accessibility 3.00 Points: XL Step 5.2.4: Change the Value Field Settings Attempts Type Type the custom name Sales by Discipline for the values. Apply Accounting Number Format with zero decimal places to the values Questions Remaining Save submit Discipline to replace the Row Labels column heading Copyright Year to replace the Column 8 of 12 Mew Al Labels column heading, and center data horizontally in the range B4:F4. Reset 3:01 PM Ask me anything 3/26/2017

Type the custom name Sales by Discipline for the values Apply Accounting Number Format with zero decimal places to the values Type Discipline to replace the Row Labels column heading. Copyright Year to replace the Column Labels column heading, and center data horizontally in the range B4:F4.

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