Teamwork could provide students with the empowerment to look at the same thing from different perspectives. At the point when a student needs to examine a subject and discuss how to address it, he/she is compelled to tune in to others' thoughts. Their thoughts will at that point impact your reasoning and expand your viewpoints. Your group mates aren't simply individual students, they're like your instructors. Not only that, you get to learn how to teach others yourself, as you discuss the project details with them. Teamwork enhances vocabulary (Drew). Overall it brings a positive impact on the project outcome (Editorial).
Sometimes we join a group because of our affiliation, other times we are assigned to it. It is better to have a group with people you share similar interests and have the same goals. Groups that are formed to do particular projects or tasks need to first make some ground for each other. If anyone in the group goes the extra mile to do a task, he/she should be appreciated (Lumsden). Also, if someone is having low energy, there should be motivation from other group members for that person to be back again. Sometimes there is grouping inside the groups due to personal relations, but that should not get involved within the group’s professional task.
Even though group work gives quite a lot of learning opportunities to the students, still there come some issues which are raised during group work. Therefore, group assessment is quite necessary. It is very important to analyze your group’s performance and see where were they lacking or how could they have been more productive. The group could be assessed based on the project, the product, the members, or some other evidence. The decision about what and when to assess the group work should be made while considering its effects on the students’ learning. Group’s assessment should be included in the overall assessment plan as it is quite significant (Group Work and Group Assessment, 2013).
Last month, I was assigned to work in a group and there were five members with me, for a project. Our group went through different stages and had to face challenges during the execution of the project. However, the project was pulled off quite nicely. But as discussed earlier, the assessment of the overall execution of the project is necessary. Being a leader, I felt I should analyze the way the group was formed, and then executed their tasks, the way all the challenges were dealt with, and the individual performance of each group member.
This case discussion involves a detailed analysis of the group project. The subsequent sections include our group functioning using Tuckman’s Group Stages theory, the leadership characteristics in each individual, and its impact on overall goals using the OCEAN model theory, the learning style of each member, and the final project assessment. The case also discusses the impact of power and influence in achieving outcomes, especially after a corona.
Group Functioning w.r.t Tuckman’s Group Stages Model
The process of effective group work does not start automatically. It is developed through multiple stages. Our group also gradually advanced towards being effective and went through multiple stages. Bruce Tuckman, a very famous scientist, mentor, and instructor of Educational Psychology at The Ohio University, gave a very well-known theory of five stages of group development to better understand the step by step team development process. The five stages include Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Therefore, I have analyzed our group’s progress using this concept.
Forming Stage
This is the very initial period. Mostly group members get to know each other better and break the ice during this stage. Each team member is quite uncertain at this point and has several questions that what would be the benefits for him/her in the project and what is being expected. The team is also looking for someone to take authority and emerge as a leader. The person with the most knowledge and control is expected to take this role. There are informal and social interactions within the group members to understand each other quite well and even assess how good a fit they could be in the group (The Five Stages of Team Development).
I and my other group members also had this initial orientation period. We talked to each other, got to know each other’s interests, preferences, hobbies, and other general things. Then we discussed the project’s demands and benefits for us. We then shared all the existing knowledge we had about the project. We even went out for a hangout a couple of times so that we would become familiar with each other and then there is no awkwardness while working. I felt that this was quite necessary for the group as it later helped us work with each other, comfortably.
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