This assessment requires you to create and deliver a health education presentation to your colleagues in rural practice through an in-service style of delivery. Being able to educate your colleagues is a key activity for both best practice and continuing professional development.
This assessment requires you to complete a draft version of your presentation for review and feedback. This version will require your draft slides and voice recording only (full video version including your face will be required for Assessment 2). This feedback will enable you to fine tune your presentation for submission of the final version in Assessment 2 due at the end of Week 7.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Nurses working in isolated practices require sound knowledge of theory and clinical practice skills to provide acute and chronic health care in these contexts. The Health Education Presentation will assess your application of these skills and knowledge using different case scenarios where first line interventional skills are used.
To complete this assessment task, you must select a key focus from one of the three options below:
Managing diabetes in a remote aboriginal community; or
This assessment requires you to create a PowerPoint presentation which addresses the background and overview of your selected case including topics such as pathophysiology, treatment, side effects and precautions, longer term and follow up requirements as well as further resources which may be useful. Please try to limit your presentation to five (5) slides however references may be attached as additional slides. This powerpoint presentation will constitute a draft version for Assessment 2. In Assessment 2, you will need to record yourself as if you were presenting these slides to your colleagues during an in-service education session which should run for approximately 10 minutes (+/- 10%)..
Consider the following questions/elements as you develop the content and script for each slide:
What is the condition you are presenting and the key elements? What are the main points our colleagues need to know about these cases?
How should nurses approach care for these cases? What theoretical supports are there for practice?
How does your presentation attract and maintain attention? What learning outcomes might we expect for our viewers?
A suggested format for the slides might include:
Introduction/ background information
Pathophysiology and appropriate clinical detail
Treatments, side effects and precautions
Care planning and Follow up
Useful resources for further information and guidance
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