Project Assignment
The objective of this project assignment is to design a “sampling and analysis plan/protocol” for an environmental monitoring program/case study of your choice taking into consideration the knowledge and skills disseminated to students throughout the course lectures and lab sessions. Additional research and self-study is highly encouraged for a comprehensive Sampling and Analytical Protocol preparation
Your work should be submitted in the form of report to the instructor, and presented orally in a duration of 15 min.
The following sections should be covered in your plan, yet do not limit yourselves to these exclusively, you may add any further sections you may find of benefit and value to your topic of choice. Use of citations is mandatory and use of visuals is highly recommended
- Introductions
- Study Area
- Project objectives
- Data quality objectives
- Health and Safety plans
- Sampling Design and sample types
- Sampling equipment and decontamination procedure
- Parameters to be monitored/ analyzed
- Sample containers, numbers, volumes, preservation, holding times, shipment
- Quality control and quality assurance management (field)
- Analytical procedures
- Quality control and quality assurance management (lab)
- Bibliography
Feel free to consult the instructor for selection of your case study, and any needed advice throughout the preparation of protocol
Assessment rubric:
Reports will be assessed mainly for the following criteria
- Comprehensive coverage of the topic (35%)
- Organization of the content (15%)
- Personal input in preparation (avoid plagiarism, reports will be submitted through Safe Assign) (30 %)
- Presentation organization, coverage, and delivery (15%)
- Submission on due dates (5%) - late submission is subject to penalty
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