The Mathematics Curriculum - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on PowerPoint Presentation


The mathematics curriculum

You are required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation and accompanying notes (these notes are to be included in the notes section of the PowerPoint presentation) for a secondary school parent/carer community. The presentation is for a parent/carer information evening that provides information on the Mathematics K-10 Syllabus. The parents mostly have children who have just started Year 7 and seek to understand the mathematics courses their child might study in the coming years. All of the information they need on the NSW syllabi can be found on the web, but they are hoping that you might synthesise and simplify this information. You will also provide information about what you, as a teacher, value in mathematics and your teaching approach and expectations.

More specifically your presentation should include, but not necessarily in this order:

  • A brief overview of the K-10 Syllabus (2012) that describes content strands/substrands and development through the stages;
  • A brief description of how the K-10 Mathematics Syllabus (2012) links with primary school and at the other end to the NSW Stage 6 Syllabi;
  • A brief discussion of the connection between the NSW mathematics K-bo syllabus with the general capabilities, cross-curricular priorities and the Australian Curriculum;
  • A statement of your teaching approach, values and expectations.

The Powerpoint should contain a maximum of 15 slides and accompanying notes that guide the presentation (no more than 100 words per slide, preferably in dot point form). NB: This presentation will NOT be actually presented; rather it can be used as a future resource.

Imagine that you are preparing slides for typical parents who might ask questions like:

  • How is maths in high school different to primary school?
  • Why do they do algebra?
  • Why do they do literacy in mathematics? Isn't that in English?
  • When do they have to choose the level of maths they will do?
  • What is the difference between maths and numeracy?
  • What happens if my child is struggling?
  • What happens if my child hates maths? When can they drop it or how will teachers make it more interesting for the students?

Note that you do not need to answer these questions; rather, they are a guide to some of the points you may wish to cover in your presentation.

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This assessment task will assess the following teaming outcome/s:

  • be able to explain the structure and content of the mathematics 7-10 Syllabus for NSW or the Australian Curriculum, including assessment and reporting requirements and apply this in the development of a sequence of learning activities.
  • be able to articulate the role of secondary mathematics in the K-12 curriculum (focussing on the links between Stage 3 and 4) and in the development of students' literacy, digital literacy and numeracy capabilities.

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This task will be assessed on the following criterion.

  • The presentation provides an accurate summary and synthesis of current NSW mathematics syllabi across Stages 4 to 6.
  • The presentation provides a clear picture of your mathematics teaching values, approaches and expectations.
  • The presentation is concise, attractive and free from spelling, grammatical and referencing errors.


Comprehensive synthesis of the syllabus, their key features and links. Identifies significant features and articulates unifying themes both within and across the syllabus. Provides `big-picture' views on learning mathematics in the NSW secondary school.

The presentation gives a clear, concise and well-informed sense of the teacher's values, approaches to teaching and expectations of students. Presentation will enthuse parents to take an active role in their child's education.

Very creative arrangement of content both within slides and across the presentation, Some original elements may be included.

Concise notes provide, accurate and relevant supporting information.


Substantial synthesis of the syllabus, their key features and links. Identifies significant features of the syllabus and provides a 'big-picture' view of learning mathematics in the NSW secondary school.

The presentation gives a clear and well-informed sense of the teacher's values, approaches to teaching and expectations of students. Presentation encourages parents to take an active role in their child's education.

Logical arrangement of content across the presentation with creative presentation of information on slides. Concise notes provide, accurate and mostly relevant supporting information.


Clear overview of the syllabus, a description of key features and most syllabus links. Identifies significant features of the syllabus.

The presentation gives a clear sense of the teacher's values, approaches to teaching and expectations of students. Presentation encourages parents to take an active role in their child's education.

Logical arrangement of content that contains no spelling, grammatical or referencing errors and makes use of appropriate font-size and text on slides.

Notes provide accurate supporting information.


Basic overview of the syllabus, a description of their key features and the links between them.

The presentation outlines the teacher's values, approaches to teaching and expectations of students. Presentation may encourage parents to take an active role in their child's education.

Logical organisation of content that contains few spelling errors. Appropriate use of font-size and text on slides. Limited and/or repetitive notes that provide mostly accurate supporting information.


The content in the slides and notes does not summarise all syllabus and/or it fails to describe the links between syllabus and/or the content contains substantial inaccuracies.

The presentation gives little sense of the teacher's values, approaches to teaching and expectations of students. Presentation is unlikely to encourage parents to take an active role in their child's education.

Illogical organisation of content and/or inappropriate use of font-size or text on slides and/or contains significant spelling, grammatical or referencing errors and/or notes are not inadequate.


Accurate summary of syllabus content and linkages

10 marks

Informed and informative statement of values, approaches and expectations

5 marks


5 marks

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