Hi Daniel, I decided to write on the same topic as you did, and I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the subject. I also started my post by defining accounting information systems. However, I chose to focus on stewardship since accounting information systems are one of the many tools available to managers to help them make good decisions for the company and therefore be good stewards with what they have been entrusted. Applying biblical truths to either relevance or faithful representation did not cross my mind, but you did a great job using Ananias and Sapphira as an example. I agree that withholding information is not biblical; Jesus states in Luke's gospel "For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light," (English Standard Bible, 2001/2016, Luke 8:17). Also, as I stated in my original post, God will one day call us to give an account of how we used our resources, just like in the servants in the parable of the talents that Jesus told in Matthew 25:14-30. Thanks for the discussion, Shannon Andrews References English Standard Bible. (2016).https://esv.literalword.com/(Original work published 2001)
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