Description / Requirements
Throughout the course of the trimester, students will analyse, discuss and debate a number of contemporary human resource management (HRM) issues in the seminars. Students will critically reflect on three selected issues in light of their theoretical HRM understanding. Reflection on each of the issues would be expected to be approximately 500-800 words each (an average length of approx. 650 work each).
The critical reflections will be based on guided questioning as relevant to each of the issues.
After considering the readings, and the week 8 seminar activities and discussions, students are required to write a 500 – 800 word-(average of approx. 650 words for each of the 3 pieces) critical reflection answering the following questions:
- As a HR practitioner is there any possible way to consider all possible operating constraints? What constraints do you think HR practitioners need to consider as most important? Why?
- Given the labour flexibility organisations’ achieve through the use of casual labour when they adopt a core-periphery workforce model, they can hardly be viewed as an operating constraint, can they? Justify your answer.
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