Teaching and Learning Guide for the Effective Teaching and Learning of Space (Geometry)

Teaching and Learning Guide for the Effective Teaching and Learning of Space (Geometry)

  1. Red type are instructions only. Please delete all red type prior to submitting your assignment.

Content area

Geometric reasoning

Identification of links to space (geometry) pedagogical and/or curriculum documentation (not included in word count)

In this section, identify the aspects of the pedagogical documentation that is pertinent to your state, jurisdiction, or field (EC and/or Prim) that relate specifically to Space (geometry). Copy and paste this information from across the relevant age/year levels.

Mathematical content knowledge (MCK) ~150 words

In this section, you are providing evidence that you understand the mathematics that you are required to teach for Space (geometry). You need to identify the key ideas (concepts) of Space (geometry) (that were covered in EDMA290 weeks 2-4) and elaborate on your understanding of those ideas and understandings using references to literature.

Mathematical pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) ~500 words

For each of the dot points below you need to include references to appropriate mathematics education literature used to inform and validate your PCK.

  • Effective teaching strategy – describe at least one effective teaching strategy/approach/action for teaching Space (geometry) including the impact of that teaching strategy/approach/action on children/students’ learning.
  • Possible misconceptions – describe at least two misconceptions that children/students might form about Space (geometry) that you need to be aware of, and how/why these misconceptions develop.
  • Two effective learning activities/tasks – source two activities/tasks and reference these. Describe very briefly (full task details can be added as an appendix). State the maths focus and purpose (i.e., what will children/students learn by engaging in the activity/task in terms of geometric concepts and ways of working mathematically)
  • Two effective uses of concrete materials and/or ICT – state both the purpose of these “tools” and how they can be used by the teacher/educator to support children’s/students learning of Space (geometry) concepts.

Implications for future practice and actions about this content area ~150 words

This task gives you the opportunity to reflect on what you would like your own teaching of space (geometry) to look like in your future teaching setting or classroom. Using what you have learnt about teaching space (geometry), imagine yourself in your own learning setting or classroom, planning for effective, engaging and innovative lessons. Briefly describe what your teaching of space (geometry) will look like – what do you plan to do when teaching space (geometry) that will impact children’s/students’ learning, and why will you enact that practice? Include at least one teacher action that caters for the range of abilities and diverse Space (geometry) learning needs of children/students.


List the references that you have used to inform your writing in this folio entry. Place the references in alphabetical order according to first author and only include those references that you refer to in the entry. Do not forget to include the hanging indent (check APA guides if you do not know what this is!)


Include any appendices like task instructions or templates or other supplementary information (if appropriate)

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