Teacher Performance Portfolio - Assigment Task

Assignment Help on Performance Portfolio

Task Aim:
The purpose of this task is for you to begin collecting and reflecting upon evidence of your readiness as an early childhood teacher. You will be given the opportunity to document and plan for the learning of very young children.  You will be able to practice the building and maintaining of relationships with young children, their families, community and other staff.  You will be able to see and make connections between theory and practice; link your documentation and planning to current curricula (EYLF/VEYLDF); demonstrate ethical and professional practice; critically reflect on your teaching practice and begin to develop professional learning goals and contribute to a professional learning community. 

Task Requirements:
During your professional experience you are to complete the tasks outlined in the Professional Experience Forms (Forms A, B and C). You are to collect evidence that will demonstrate how you meet the following Australian Professional Standards for Teaching:
1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 6.1, 6.3, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3.

Your evidence should be collated into your Mahara e-portfolio that you started in EDMAS6033 Curriculum Approaches.  For each Professional Standard, you are to include a rationale, artefact and reflection for each standard descriptor listed above.
Included in the front of your portfolio should be an overarching statement that summarises and reflects upon your learnings from your placement. You can refer to evidence from your portfolio but you must also include critical reflection, demonstrate links to theory, current literature, current curricula, code of ethics and regulatory documents. Briefly outline your professional learning goals, how these were met during your placement and “where to now?” (how will you continue to develop as an early childhood teacher).
The following criteria will be used to assess the Teacher Performance Portfolio and overarching statement:

  • Collects, justifies and reflects upon evidence that demonstrates the nominated Australian Professional Standards for Teaching (10 Marks)
  • Demonstrates ethical and professional practice through the evidence and reflection included in the portfolio (10 Marks)
  • Makes links to current curricula (EYLF/EYLDF), National Quality Standards (NQS), ECA Code of Ethics; regulations (10 Marks)
  • Considers legal responsibilities of teachers, including duty of care (10 Marks)
  • Identifies and reflects on the role of professional associations in their development as a teacher (10 Marks)
  • Demonstrates critical reflection on links between theory and professional practice supported through wide research of current literature and course learning materials (10 Marks)
  • Identifies professional goals and proposes strategies for achieving goals (10 Marks)
  • Portfolio and overarching statement are professionally presented (5 Marks)
  • Demonstrates academic conventions e.g., grammar, spelling, sentence structure; accurate use of APA style referencing both in-text and reference list; literature and course learning materials used appropriately in support. (5 Marks)

The marking criteria sheet specifies the weighting and marks available for each criteria. A mark will be awarded for each criterion depending on the extent to which the criterion is addressed. The marking criteria sheet can be found in the Assessment section of Moodle. Your Portfolio will be marked by a lecturer. For assessment tasks uploaded by the due date, feedback can be expected within 21 days in the Assessment section of Moodle.

It is recommended to spend at least 2 to 3 hours per week during and following placement in constructing the Teacher Performance Portfolio.

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