Technology is enhancing day by day and to gather information, save time and energy, people need to adapt to the changing scenario. 90% of population in the world is dependent on the internet technology and the technological revolution has become important for human development everywhere, Education field is no different. Technology makes the teaching-learning process fascinating and easy to understand with smoother application (Patel, 2017). An increasing investment can be seen in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in preschools and schools around the world. Digital literacy is in demand and governments are making polices and investments for the same (Masoumi, 2015). Especially in developed countries like Australia, this trend could be observed. This paper therefore critically analyses the policy of Australia in early childhood and care setting. Moreover, the role, advantages and issues of ICT in early childhood pedagogy would be discussed. A strategy for including ICT learning tools across the program will be designed and relevant resources for the same would be analyzed.
Role of ICT in Early Childhood Education
There has been a major shift in the way ICT and early childhood education (ECE) have been taken. Earlier, it used to be questioned as to whether ICT enhances young children’s learning or not. This is because several researchers showed how ICT negatively impacted children at young age. This included issues like risks to children’s health, inappropriate learning content, reduced social interaction, hazards to mental development and replacing learning activities (House, 2012). However, in recent times it has become a concern to integrate ICT in preschools in the best way (Gialamas and Nikolopoulou, 2010). There has been several benefits of integrating ICT in to early childhood. This includes providing multi-dimensional learning resources and tools like pictures, written text, sound, video and animations, offering a variety of representations and re-using learning resources (Goodwin, 2008; Preston and Mowbray, 2008). ICT potential has been demonstrated by several ECE scholars and organizations which shows better creativity, language and communication, problem-solving skills, mathematical thinking, cooperation and literacy (Aubrey and Dahl, 2008). It has also been found that ICT contributes to children’s cognitive, emotional as well as social development. Moreover, it helps in improving fine motor skills, self-confidence and motivation. Similarly, positive effects on performance of children in their developmental domains is evident with girls having higher developmental rate than boys (Hsin et al., 2014).
Role of Government in Enhancing ICT use in Education
With so many positive aspects, policy makers too are making policies that is aimed towards integrating ICT in ECE. So is the Australian Government who reformed the education sector by introducing policies mentioned in The Melbourne Declaration, Joint Ministerial Statement and the Digital Education Revolution. These document online the teacher capabilities, learning resources, infrastructure and leadership for the effective use of ICT in Australian schools (Baker, 2012). ICT policies include elements that relate to pedagogies, online learning environment and digital content for online learning. It encourages technology driven learning which enables students in achieving high-quality learning outcomes and contributing to the society and economy productively. Learners being active participants engage in art tools which enables new forms of learning, innovation, communication and collaboration (MCEETYA and MCVTE, 2008). The Government has committed AUD 2.4 billion to the Digital Education Revolution over the seven years which helps in addressing the digital divide of the country. It has provided 3 lakh computers for students in 2700 schools, high-speed broadband connectivity to regional as well as metropolitan schools (Intel, 2010). Moreover it has included tax breaks and purchase programs in its policies to encourage faster deployment of computers, broadband Internet connections and software.
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