Assessment Task 1 : Individual Report
The purpose of this assessment is to conduct an environmental scan to identify, analyse and communicate a trend or issue of relevance to Human Resource Development (HRD).
Task details
Select two recent, relevant, related articles from the HRD literature. One of the articles should be from an academic journal. By recent, consider articles published from 2010 to the current day. This is also applicable for other journal papers that you will use in your assessment.
Read and analyse the articles and write a report that addresses the following:
- Explain the issue or trend addressed in the articles by briefly analysing the key information presented in each article.
- Explain why you believe the issue/trend is significant to the practice of HRD, and describe what impact you think it will have on the practice of HRD in organisations.
- Make two recommendations for action you believe a HRD manager/professional should follow to deal with the issue or trend. Explain and support your recommendations.
Your paper should have the following sections (this is just a guideline):
- An introduction
- A section on the analysis of the issue/trend discovered in the articles
- A section on the significance of the issue/trend to the domain of HRD and discuss the impact on practice of HRD in organisations
- A section on two recommendations for action to overcome the issue/trend with evidence and examples to support your recommendations
- A conclusion
- A reference list.
You must consult and reference a minimum of four (4) academic articles to support your analysis. You need to use APA7 referencing.
The total length of the assessment is a maximum of 1,000 words (+/- 10%) (Reference list and title page are excluded from the word count).
Resources and readings relevant to the assessment
It is recommended that you consider the following publications to identify relevant articles:
- Academy of Management Journal
- Academy of Management Learning & Education
- Academy of Management Review
- Administrative Science Quarterly
- Human Resource Development Quarterly
- Human Resource Management
- Human Resource Planning
- Journal of Applied Psychology
- Journal of Management
- Journal of Management Development
- Journal of Management Education
- Journal of Organisational Behaviour and Management Learning
- Human Resource Development International
The document should be written as a clear, concise report. It is important that your report has a logical flow and good structure, makes use of relevant subheadings where appropriate and that you write using coherent, integrated text, avoiding grammatical and spelling mistakes.
For reading (and marking) ease please use a 12-point Calibri font with 1.5x spacing.
You are advised to consult the grading rubric before commencing your assessment piece.
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