Examination Period: Exams are held in the exam period following the end of session. A date will be notified.
Length: 45 minutes reading time, 7 hours writing time. Submission through TurnItin.
Assessment Task 3 Linked CLOs: 1, 2, 3 ,4
The examination has two parts.
Part 1 Theory and Practice
Weighing: 25%
Purpose: To test the individual students understanding of the theory component of the course. To encourage reflection. To work to time.
Process/Assessment: The student will be required to respond to two (2) of three (3) theory and practice questions developed for the test. The questions asked will be challenging, focusing on classic tools of strategic analysis and/or contemporary events in the strategic management field – i.e. the course delivered. Students will need strong familiarity with the text and readings materials provided. Questions will be topic specific but may include a part asking the student for reflection.
Students are encouraged to start exam preparation early in the semester for this exam.
Part 2 Case Study
Weighing: 25%
Purpose: To apply the individual students knowledge of the tools and techniques of strategic analysis and understanding of the strategy process to a practical situation. To work to time.
Process/Assessment: The case study will be notified on the exam day. All the information needed to respond to the case is provided in the case, the text, and class materials. Specific questions are given for the case and students will need to directly address these questions in their answer to score a Credit grade or higher.
Students should analyse the case situation and also make recommendations as to what the company and/or individual(s) in the case should do. The analysis should address four issues:
- External, Industry Environment Analysis and Critical Success Factors (20% of the available 25 marks).
- Company Analysis (20%).
- SWOT (15%).
- Recommendations, including justifications, of how the organisation should address these key issues (35%).
The recommendations should be consistent with the analysis and pick up all major issues identified in the analysis.
The subject leader will be looking for students to identify, prioritise and address the key issues impacting shareholder and stakeholder value. Attention should also be given to the logic of the argument under exam pressure giving authenticity to the assessment task (10% adding to 100% of the available 25 marks).
Students are encouraged to start exam preparation early in the semester for this exam
All relevant University Policies on assessment apply.
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