TAE 013989 Analytic Report - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Analytic Report


Assessment task 1: Analytic report: the learners and the learning resources


This task is designed for students to focus on the learning needs of tertiar/EAP students and degree to which educational EAP resources support their learning. Students -

1.    Nominate a group of tertiary EAP learners. Identify their learning needs what is motivating them to learn EAP in a given context. (500 words)

2.    Identify a program – for example, a curriculum or coursebook – that has been designed to teach these learners. Analyse the main features of this program and to what degree these features address the learners’ needs. Identify weaknesses or areas that need further consideration for these particular learners. Support the analysis with reference to relevant from the subject. (800 words)

3.    Suggest what types of texts, materials or resources could be used support the existing program. Justify suggestions with reference to relevant readings from the subject. (700 words)

Students must ensure their writing maintains a formal, academic register with a minimum of 5 readings from the subject, all cited correctly. As academic writing and citations are hurdle requirements for this task any work that has not been proofread for spelling, punctuation and grammatical accuracy and/or APA referencing that is not used accurately for in-text citations and the reference list will not be assessed. Work that does not meet the required standard of academic writing will ha opportunity to be resubmitted with corrections within one week of notification Resubmitted work will receive a maximum grade of a 50% Pass.

2000 words, excluding references and appendices

Wednesday 31 March by 11.30pm.         Please ignore: Wednesday 6 April 2022

Criteria Weight (%) SLOs
Extent to which learner goals and needs are identified 20 a, b
Detail in evaluation of how the program caters for the needs of the target group of learners 30 a, b, c
Suitability of suggestions for support materials in the program 25 c
Synthesis and integration of ideas from relevant subject readings 25 a, d
SLOs: subject learning objectives

CILOs: course intended learning outcomes

Further information will be provided to scaffold the task.

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