Course Syllabus Managerial Accounting and the Decision Process Acct 3330 - Spring 2023 Section 003 (MW 4:00 - 5:15) McEniry Building 116 Dr. Wise Email:[email protected](Best way to contact me) Welcome to ACCT 3330,Managerial Accounting and the Decision Processat UNC-Charlotte!I am looking forward to getting to know each of you this term and helping you succeed in this course, in the University, and in your career. Keep in mind that your primary goal in this course is to enhance your professional career. Accounting is a subject that is vital to any career in Business and very useful in most other careers and life in general.It is a challenging curriculum, but also very rewarding if you stay on top of the materials and give the class the proper time and attention. Course Description in the University Catalog ACCT 3330.Managerial Accounting and the Decision Process (3 credit hours) Prerequisite: ACCT 2122 or ACCT 3323.The concepts associated with internal reporting and business management using accounting data. Techniques in using relevant data for planning, controlling, and decision making are taught. Other topics include: understanding cost behavior, how to accurately assign or allocate costs, developing strong budgeting practices, and learning about responsibility accounting. Excel and Data Analytics are used throughout the course, highlighting the importance of these in the professional world. Course Objectives This Managerial Cost Accounting course has the following objectives: 1.To enhance your understanding of the role of accounting information in making business decisions. 2.To improve your skills in analyzing business situations in order to make proper decisions. 3.To enhance your understanding of planning and control systems. 4.To improve your understanding and skills in determining product costs. AACSB Learning Outcomes to be assessed: 1.Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze a business situation so that proper decisions can be made. 1 |Managerial Cost Accounting - Spring 2023
2.Students will demonstrate knowledge of the role of accounting information in making business decisions. Textbook & Course Resources You are required to purchase: 1.Horngren's Cost Accounting, A Managerial Emphasis 17thEdition. Pearson(ISBN 9780136714996) From the UNCC Bookstore - $171 Note -The book (from the UNCC bookstore) includes a MyLab access code. You will need this access code to do the homework that is in MyAccountingLab. Note 1 - You can choose to not purchase the paper copy of the book and just purchase the access code that gives you access to the e-book. Note 2 - The homework access code comes with a new book purchase, so be aware that if you buy a used book, it will most likely not come with a valid access code, forcing you to purchase the access code separately. Note3 - There is a two week free trial option for the MyAccountingLab access.If you are unable to purchase the book and code, sign up for the free trial, then roll it over to the paid code when you can purchase the book.No extensions will be given for assignments due to student funding delays unless you can show the delay was longer than the free trial period. 2.Poll Everywhere App - We will use Poll Everywhere for in-class problems.This is a free App that can be downloaded to your smartphone, or other mobile device.You must have some type of WiFi device to register your poll responses.See the following link for inexpensive alternatives and further guidance.
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