Motto, Vision & Mission OurMotto To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind. OurVision Be a leading university that advances and transfers knowledge, and provides the best holistic education for the benefit of Hong Kong, the Nation and the world. OurMission 1.To pursue impactful research that benefits the world. 2.To nurture critical thinkers, effective communicators, innovative problem solvers and socially responsible global citizens. 3.To foster a University community in which all members can excel in their aspirations with a strong sense of belonging and pride.
校訓、願景及使命 校訓 開物成務勵學利民 願景 矢志成為一所在開拓及轉移知識、提供優質全人教育方面均領先的大學, 為香港、國家及世界作出貢獻。 使命 1. 致力富有影響、造福世界的研究。 2. 培育敏於思辨、善於溝通、富於創見、精於解難,且勇於承擔社會責 任的世界公民。 3.營造讓員生志存高遠、心有歸屬、樂於以大學為榮的環境。
Table of Contents 1.How to use the Student Handbook 1 2.Introduction to the UniversityA.Introduction B.Organisation and Structure C.Academic Programmes 2 3. Access to Information/ServicesA.PolyU Email, Website and Portal B.eStudent C.Programme Requirement Document D.Student Handbook E.Notice Boards F.Academic Registry and Various Offices 5 4. Programme EnrolmentA.Confirmation of Enrolment B.Student Identity Card C.Use, Access and Change of Student Data D.Normal Duration for Completion of a Programme E.Maximum Period of Registration (Applicable to Students Admitted in or before 2019/20) F.Leave of Absence G.Concurrent Enrolment H.Deferment of Study I.Zero Subject Enrolment and Retention of Study Place J.Transfer of Study K.Student Status L.Withdrawal of Study M.Undergraduate Degree Programmes with Minor/Double Majors/ Secondary Major Study Options 8 5. Subject RegistrationA.Subject Registration B.Subject Exemption and Credit Transfer C.Retaking of Failed Subjects D.Unqualified Subjects26
E.Add/Drop of Subjects and Change of Subject Groups F.Taking Additional Subjects G.Withdrawal of Subjects H.Nullification of Registration
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