Students are required to investigate and prepare a detailed case study describing a sport management related example of the concepts of strategic management as discussed in class. The case study will be presented in three parts and should address a strategic issue or problem for a sport organisation.
Part 1 (approx 2000 words) will comprise an introduction and all the relevant details of the case under investigation describing a logical sequence of events as it applies to the case. You should endeavor to tell the story as it relates to the case. The structure and layout of the case is paramount, with an organisational background section, presentation of data and explanation of the key strategic issue or problem in the environment of the organisation expected in this section. As this is a capstone unit, students will be expected to gather all relevant information pertaining to the case under investigation.
Part 2 (approx 1750 words) will provide a detailed analysis of the case and the important points as they relate to strategic management. This section should include a series of key questions that illustrate the key issues in the case. Key issues to be addressed in Part 2 include an analytical overview (as opposed to descriptive background provided in Part 1) of the industry and competitive analysis, company situation analysis, strategy and competitive advantage, strategy formulation and implementation. Tools from the unit should be used as part of the analysis. Other issues may be relevant depending on the case itself and they might include strategic change, control, leadership, culture and measures of organisational performance.
Part 3 (approx 750 words) will provide key leanings and recommendations from the case. This section should present a solution(s) to be adopted, the adoption of which should be justified relative to the problem. Critically, this section should develop a response appropriate to the sport industry context, with the impact of the solution presented. The impact of the solution should be discussed with the consideration of global or diverse communities that the organisation may serve. You may find it helpful to formulate around the questions framed in.
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